Chapter 9

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Hillary P.O.V

Im dreaming of a white, Christmas, just like the ones i used to know. I walk out of bed at the sound of Christmas music, i stumble as i race down the stairs 'may your dreams be Mary, and white'. I see Bucky, Josh, Ryan and Aprill, decorating the house. Anna and Nate are putting together the tree in a corner beside the fire place.

I drag my boot style slippers as i walk across the hall to Ryan. I wrap my arms around him backwards,

"Thank you" i whisper.

He turns around, "no problem" he whispers back as he kisses me.

"Okay enough now" says Nate pulling us apart, "Ry, go hang up everyone's stockings on that wall" he says pointing a finger and handing Ryan some nails, hammer and stockings.

"Whats going on?" I ask him looking around.

"They're all going to spend Christmas with us, so you" he says pointing to me as he pulls me into a hug, "can have the best Christmas that you deserve". He finishes

I smile at Nate as we pull away, "thanks"

"No problem pumpkin" he replies tapping my head as he turns to helping Anna.

I look around for something to do, April is hanging up a garland, Josh is holding the ladder shes on. And Bucky is hanging up wreaths outside.

Overall theres nothing for me to do. I stand beside Ryan and help him by handing him nails and stockings as he hammers them to the wall above the fire place.

"So what do you want for Christmas?" I ask Ryan.

"All i want is you" he says cheekily.

"Im serious Ry, what do you want?" I ask again.

"Whatever," he replies

I try to speak but he interupts me "what do you want?"

"Whatever" i mimic him, he places the hammer down and follows me as i walk to stand in front of the door to watch Bucky.

"Mhmh" Ryan clears his throat, i turn around to look at him. He points a finger towards the ceiling, i let out a small giggle. A mistletoe hangs above us, April and Josh smile at each other, April in Josh's arms. They wait, for us to kiss, i assume they put the mistletoe there.

Ryan tucks a loose hair behind my ear brushing his finger along my cheek then resting his thumb and forefinger on my jaw, he pulls me closer tilting my chin, and puts his lips to mine.

Bucky cleares his throat interrupting our moment.

"Back to work" he orders teasilly, everyone returns to their jobs, still lots to do.

I walk upstairs to my room, i change out of my pajamas, and put on some clothes. i give my teeth a quick clean and return downstairs.

Ryan whistles, "you look, amazing" he says taking my hand.

"Just my usual" i reply questioningly.

"Well you still look amazing" Ryan repeats.

"Thank you"

Aprill steps up onto a chair, "everyone!" She shouts, we all look as she catches our attention. "Its time to go Christmas shopping!" She shouts with excitement.

She grabs her purse tucking her phone inside, i grab mine also tucking my phone inside.

I nod, "lets go!" I grab her hand and drag her out the door. We hop into her Jeep, Ryan, Josh and Bucky get into Ryan's Jeep and we follow behind as we all drive to the mall.

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