Chapter 10

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Overall, (if I do say so myself) grad went excellent,

Me Aprill, Jordan and the guys got rewarded and got mini trophies (more for my collection) for participating in the schools surf team, and competitions.

And I got rewarded, for a few extra things that the others couldn't have been bothered to participate in, like the schools swim team, though we all got rewarded for being on the schools beach volleyball team as well.

I was happily informed that I had passed year 12 along with the entire class except for, Jason Meraz who skipped all exams.

Good luck to him because this will be his 3rd time going back to school because of failing.

"So what are we going to do all the years were taking off?" Asks Ryan, who is currently holding my waist as I sit in between his legs, both of us dipping our toes into the water as we sit on the beach.

The wind blows my hair around, I try opening my mouth but hair flies inside, after pulling it all out I manage to reply,

"Well the dancing" I enthusiastically remind him,

"Yes of course" he says sarcastically, "do I have to baby?" He whines,


He gives me his "cute face"

"That's hot but it's not going to work on me at the moment" I laugh giving him a kiss,

"It'll improve your surfing, and if surfing is everything to you as it is to the rest of us you will come"

I stand grabbing his hand, he takes it and joins me for a stride along the beach,

"It starts tomorrow, don't say you don't have things to, because all you need is shorts, and I recommend a sweat proof shirt or tank"

He groans tilting his head from side to side before looking away,

"Is there any way that we can do something else to improve?"

"Enough complaining already!" I start to yell getting angry, I mean c'mon can you blame me? If surfing means everything to him like he says, then why not do it? It's not like people will judge, besides who else would be there, substituting their own time to dance on summer break?

Highly unlikely, especially since the surf carnival was coming up, which is always a big event in California, and it'll be perfect times for swimming, surfing, summer jobs, and most of all the marina.

I let go of his hand, kissing him on the cheek,

"Thanks for the uh... hangout on the beach"

He nods

"I'll see you tomorrow" I mumble the last part more to myself "promise?"

He looks towards me, "you know how I am with my promises-

"Ryan promise?" I cut him off


"I love you" I say standing up onto my tippy toes to kiss him, he wraps his arms around my waist, I fiddle running my hands through his hair, till I pull away for air.

He gives me a quick hug before we leave to our houses, after all it is about time we've been at the beach swimming and hanging out together since after school, it's now nine.

~~~~~the next day~~~~~

Quickly I make my way through the doors, running up stairs after stairs,

You probably guessed it

I'm late.

Though was there ever a time where I wasn't?

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