Chapter 5 - Clemson Bound

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Clemson Bound

So one thing about me is that I love music and it instantly ups the hotness factor by a lot for a guy to have an awesome sound system in their vehicle. Jackson is hot, his voice is super yummy, his truck is sexy, AND he has an AMAZING sound system with great taste in music. To say that this car ride is uncomfortable is an understatement. I keep on fidgeting and crossing my legs trying to ease the ache between my legs a little.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?"

Oh. My. God. I don't get embarrassed often but I am totally mortified right now. If this seat had an eject button I would push it without a doubt. "No. I'm fine thanks."

"Stop squirming then. You look like you are about to piss yourself."

Screw it. No reason I should be the only uncomfortable, horny, one in the car. I give a little smile and say, "The reason I'm squirming right now is because I'm turned on and trying to restrain myself from unzipping your pants and taking you into my mouth right now."

His mouth snapped shut and he got a nasty scowl on his face and I couldn't help but laugh. A couple of minutes go by with me still randomly chuckling and him scowling with a big ass bulge in his pants before Jackson pulls over into a gas station parking lot and tells me to stay. I go into another fit of laughter as I watch him go into the bathroom.

After a few minutes he comes back outside and gets into the truck. He turns to me and says, "I don't want to hear another noise from you the rest of this trip. Not a word. Not a laugh. Silence."

I have to cover my mouth to restrain my laughter. All I can think about is North taking care of himself in The Academy books and that the girls are going to get such a laugh when they hear about this. I nod my head enthusiastically at him just to be a smartass. He just gives me a glare and gets back into the road.

Sometime later, the song "The Man" by Aloe Blacc comes on. This song has been on repeat on my phone every day and I love it. So I do what I always do when the song comes on, turn it up to ear splitting levels, sing, and dance. I have my eyes closed while I rock out and when I open my eyes Jackson is staring at me like I dropped my pants and exposed a penis.

He just starts to shake his head before he asks, "You know you're a girl, right? And crazy?"

"I've been told that before but I've also been told I've got more balls than most guys. And there's a reason I call myself a Looney tune sometimes. Just embrace the awesomeness and roll with it."

He just shakes his head at me and keeps on rolling.

Many songs later with me singing and dancing around because let's face it I can't keep my mouth shut for any real length of time we see a sign saying entering Clemson. I hear Jackson say, "finally" under his breath and I toss him a dirty look. Nothing is raining on this parade today. I've made it to Clemson and all I have to do is get my car out of the impound lot, get it to a mechanic, and rent a hotel until I can move into the dorms this weekend. Plus I get to go shopping soon.

"You could just drop me off wherever. Thanks for the ride; I've got it from here."

He tells me to, "be quiet" and drives me to the place my car was towed to. I hop out of the truck and go into the office and wait behind the person talking to a worker. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my back and turn around to see Jackson there. He removes his hand from my back and says, "My bad, didn't mean to touch you. Don't run off like that."

Seriously? What does he think would happen between his truck and the door twelve feet away? I roll my eyes and walk up to the now vacant spot in front of the counter. "Hey, my car was impounded last night. It's a black 2003 Mustang." The guy just nods his head and goes off to find my paperwork. He comes back a minute later and tells me that he needs to see my ID and the price to get my car out.

I start patting down my pockets for my ID and credit card and come up with nothing. Well shit. "I left my ID and stuff in my car. Could I go back and pull them out?" I really need to stop leaving them in there. The guy just nods and starts walking outside, guess I'm supposed to follow. We take a little stroll through the land of broken down and impounded cars before I see Lucian. The poor thing has a boot on and everything. That's overkill for a car that can't run.

I pull out the key and unlock the door climbing into the car I ask the worker, "Do you guys work on cars to or do you have a suggestion on a mechanic? My car broke down last night." I find my ID and other cards in the glove box and grab them and my purse before I step out.

"We can fix your car for you; it will take a few days though." Well yeah, I kind of figured that. It's probably going to cost way more to get Lucian fixed here though since it's so convenient. We turn to go back into the office.

"That's not a problem." He tells me the price to get my car out of the impound lot but this time it's less than what he previously mentioned. "You said it was more than that a few minutes ago."

"Figured you could use a break so I knocked off the fee for having it in there for the day." That's so nice. People aren't usually this nice to me. I give him a smile and pay.

Jackson looked unhappy, not that that's particularly unusual around me but I asked, "What’s your problem?"

"He was flirting with you."

I roll my eyes and say, "He barely said two words to me. He gave me a deal because he felt bad for me, that's all." Then I walk out the door not bothering to wait for him.

"Hey, need a ride?" I look up and some average looking mid to late twenty year old man asked me from the inside of a minivan. Uh, no thank you. Driving a minivan without it being full of children is not okay and definitely not something I would climb into.

"I've got her." Jackson rumbles at the guy.

The other guy takes off. Wow. Why would he just assume that I was with Jackson. He could have been some kidnapper or murderer grabbing me and that guy just takes off because someone else has me? That sucks. Not that minivan guy couldn't have been a kidnapper or a murderer either but it's not cool that he just took off like that.

I turn around to face Jackson, "Thanks for the ride, I've got it from here though."

"Just get in the Damn truck, Lola. I'm not leaving you when you have no idea where you are going and no phone to call for help."

I tilt my head to the side, "Lola? My name's Lexi."

"Looney Tunes, baby girl." Woah. Did Mr. Frowny Face make a funny? I wonder if a pig flew somewhere just now. I just climb into his truck and buckle up before he has the chance to tell me to and we take off again.

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