Chapter Three - Perseus Tide

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~Two years before~
'Dear Anna,
I know I have disappeared off the face of earth and I know it must have been really hard for you. I also know that I might as well not write this letter, as I will, most likely, never send it to you. I wish I could have kept my word. I wish I could have stayed right by your side forever. But I couldn't, and I hope that one day you might forgive me for it.
One day, maybe, it will be safe enough to find you again. I hope it will be soon. I fear it will be never. Should that day come, I will return. I will find you and I will explain everything. Meanwhile, I can only hope that such a day will come.
To be honest, I don't expect you to wait for me. Should you choose to move on and forget all about me, I will not hold it against you. But know this: I still love you and I always will. I wish life was easier and I wish I could have told you everything. But wishing does not make our life as we want it. I have wished and prayed for the day I left you alone to never come, and yet it came. Now I pray you are safe and, maybe, one day, you find in your heart and soul the power to forgive me.
Dearest Anna, I wish I had more time to spend with you. I wish I had enough time to explain, to tell you everything. But Fate has never looked kindly upon me. I hope she is less cruel to you.
For now, though, this is goodbye.
Yours, forever,

The young man closed his eyes for a few moments. He knew he had to leave as soon as possible, and yet something seemed to be holding his very soul back.
It was all about her. Anna Beathas. His betrothed. The love of his life.
Perseus Tide took a deep breath. He had to go. No more hesitations. He promised himself that he would find a way to send word about himself. To Anna, and Jace, and Lydya and Nic. He prayed that the Creator keep his loved ones safe.
The rustling of steps on the polished wood floor got his attention. It was time.
"Perce, we have to go." Riordan Vevay, one of his trusted companions from his homeland of Madaras was becoming more skittish with every passing minute.
"I know."
"No, Perce, you don't! Every wasted minute could be a death sentence for us! I can understand that it is hard for you to just leave, but you have to hurry up, or you won't have to anymore because that half-born bastard will be onto us with an entire army and neither of us will have another sunrise to look forward to. So get yourself together and let's go!" Riordan was almost in tears.
Perseus couldn't blame him, he was about to leave his mother and two younger siblings behind.
His father had warned him about this day, when he will have to pack up and leave, without a word to anyone. It was because of a threat that had loomed over the Tide line ever since Perseus' great-great-grandfather had been made lord of Madaras, during the reign of Rion, Tam the Fourth's father.
Lord Titus told his son about the threat more as it was customary rather than from belief. Still, right before leaving for the Islands, Lord Titus called Perseus in his private office and told him to be ready, as the time might come where the Heir and his inner circle had to flee the land. So Perseus had called on Riordan, who, in turn, told the other high heirs what he had been told and so, they were all ready to leave on a moments notice. And the time had come for them to leave.
Perseus crumpled the letter and was about to throw it on the still red embers in the hearth when he changed his mind and stuffed it in his bag, next to his writing supplies. Tears stung his eyes, but he knew that he didn't have the time for mourning what might have been. Pulling the hood of his travelling cloak low on his face, Perseus left his childhood home and mounted his horse, heading, along with Riordan towards the meeting place, where the other high heirs of Madaras were waiting.
The outermost ring of the city was silent as two cloaked figures rode their horses through the deserted streets.
The marketplace was empty, save for the woman in black. As Perseus unmounted his horse, she walked closer to them and removed the hood that concealed her bright red hair.
"You are late," she said, not bothering with greetings of any sort.
"Glad to see you made it, Serwa." Riordan's response was curt and slightly menacing. "Is everyone else here?"
"Yes," she answered, pointing towards a partially hidden archway.
Perseus followed her hand to the place where several other people, none older than twenty-five, were huddled together, shivering despite the warm autumn night. One by one, he took them in: young men and women, whose only fault was being born in their family. Targeted by a maniac, who would stop at nothing to gain control over a powerful house, even if it meant taking innocent lives. His heart was breaking as he took in the small form of Rowena Fallon, who was only thirteen and was forced to go into hiding.
The young man felt his eyes stinging again, but he knew it was neither the place, nor the time for tears. He had to be strong, be the leader these frightened souls needed. Shutting his eyes tight for a second, Perseus swallowed the knot in his throat and shook his head, hoping no one saw the tears glistening in his eyes. These were his childhood friends, the future of Madaras, and he would not fail them.
"Gather round," he called, as loud as he dared.
Together, they were ten. Ten heirs, all in danger, because of their birthright. Riordan's father was Lord Titus' second in command. Serwa Ailill was the daughter of the Lord of merchants and Rowena Fallon was the daughter of the Headmaster of the Academy. Norvyn and Marwin Ashburn were the twin sons of Lady Ashburn, head of Lord Tide's advisors. Astread Fayan's both parents were part of the Royal council in Elda. Bryna Callen was the only child of Admiral Callen, one of Lord Tide's most valued navy commanders and her betrothed, Doran Fionn, was the son of Commodore Fionn, the first woman in a high position of power in the navy. The last of the ten, Tyrone Brannen, was the son of Orrin Brannen, head Healer of Madaras.
They had grown up together and they would go down together. It was the oath they had sworn, years ago.
"I know that tonight came far to quickly for all of us," Perseus began, "and I know it is not an easy trial that stands before us. I know that you have to leave everything behind and, trust me when I tell you, I understand you and I wish I didn't have to put you through all this mess." He hated the way his voice faltered mid sentence. "But, our duty as high heirs of Madaras is, first and foremost, to keep our people safe! At the order of High Lord Titus Tide, my father, the way for us to keep everyone safe is to go into hiding. All our parents are aware of this plan and agree, as we do not yet have an image of what we are against. The plan is for the enemy to no longer consider Madaras a threat, but to see it as a weakened province, that can offer no support towards the Royal family. Meanwhile, we have a double mission: find out as many things as we can about the threat to our home and spread out to find allies among the other kingdoms, as well as we can."
Silence followed Perseus' words, as, for the first time, the other heirs realised just to what extent their mission went. The young man could again feel the now familiar sting in the corners of his eyes. This was the point of no return. It was now or never. The fate of their home and, more than likely, of the entire kingdom of Tamer now lay upon their shoulders.
"This is your last chance to back down. I will not hold it against you, shall you decide to return home and forget that tonight ever happened." Perseus' voice held no aggression when he spoke, only resignation. He honestly expected to be left alone. He would complete the mission, all alone, if he had to. He would make the world a safer place, for his friends, for Jacen, who was like a brother, for Lydya, who had given up everything for her people. And for Anna. For the woman he loved and whom he had to leave behind without an explanation.
But what Perseus didn't expect was for two tiny arms to circle him and hug him tight, as tight as little Rowena could.
"I'm going with you, wherever you lead." Her words were honest and sweet, without any hesitation.
"I swore an oath, Perce, and I am not going back on my word now!" Riordan claimed, resting his hand on Perseus' shoulder.
"Neither am I!" Serwa said next.
"Nor us!" the twins continued, at the same time.
"Me either!" Astread's voice piped up.
"Together, Perce, to whatever end," Bryna said, grasping Doran's hand with one of her hands and Perseus' hand with her other.
The young man looked up, amazed at the support he received. His gaze met Tyrone's above Rowena's head. Tyrone held his gaze for a few seconds, understanding dawning in his eyes.
"Until Death itself comes and cleaves us apart." Tyrone said, stepping forward.
They were one, a team, a family, unbreakable. Perseus felt something he hadn't felt ever since his the news of his father arrived. Hope.
"Mount your horses!" he told them. "We ride north!"

A/N: Hello, everybody! Thank you for reading King of Tamer, it means a lot for me that people actually check out my writing!
If you like my book so far, I would really appreciate some feed-back, be it votes, comments or private messages. Also, if you have questions regarding the story, ask away, and I will do my best to answer y'all!

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