The Kiss

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Sara sat at the bar, he head resting heavily on her hand while her elbow propped it up above her drink. She took the thin red straw in her hand and swirled around the ice that was watering her drink down in the bottom. With a sigh she puffed air from her lips, thankful for her first real vacation from work in a few months. Sara had the week off and for the first time in a long time, she had agreed to go out with friends.

Her friends were living it up on the grimy bar floor, weaving and dodging back and forward to the loud hum of the music. She had refused to dance, knowing that she would be more content at the bar, alone. Sara felt a sudden familiar burn in her back, a smile creeping across her features. "We have to stop meeting like this" she joked, not turning around.

Michael pulled the stool out beside her and perched on it, placing his order with the barmen. He watched sip another mouthful of her drink and noticed her heavily lidded eyes as she turned to him. Her eyes caught his like they had so many times before and they just stared. Sara was lost in his eyes, those eyes that were the deepest shade of grey/blue she has ever seen. They say the eyes are the window to the soul and Sara wanted to see Michael's soul.

Michael's drink arrived on the bar and she burst out laughing. Surprised Michael laughed with her but had no idea what he was laughing at. "What's so funny?" he asked, taking a swig of his beer straight from the bottle. Sara's giggling subsided only briefly enough for her to tell Michael, "I think your stalking me," trying to muster her best sober person impression.

Michael placed his beer bottle back onto the bar with a dull thud that echoed through the glass. "I think..." he began, unable to tear his eyes from Sara, looking her up and down with a greedy glance. Sara smiled and closed mouth smile, swallowing the drink she had between her lips awaiting the rest of his proclamation. "...that you're drunk Dr. Tancredi". Sara burst into laughter once more.

"Formalities! Formalities!" she exclaimed, rocking backwards on her bar stool. Michael threw out his hand to catch her should she fall and his giant hands connected with her slender shoulders. Sara rocked back forward and noting her glass was empty, took an ice cube between her fingers and popped it into her mouth. Michael let his hand linger on her back and watched her with a passion.

"Maybe your drunk ass should introduce us," Michael turned to inspect a petite woman standing beside Sara, her dirty blonde hair hanging in loose curls over her bare shoulders. Her eyes grazed over Michael's body, taking in his smart shoes, his dark slacks and his burgundy shirt that hid a very muscular body beneath. His two top buttons were undone and he was clean-shaven.

Sara slouched in her stool a little shooting Michael a smile as he quickly retracted his hand from her body in awkwardness. Sara looked between her friend and Michael and introduced them. "Meredith, this is Michael. Michael, this is Meredith." Michael smiled his welcome and Meredith whispered something in Sara's ear before winking toward him and flying back to the dance floor.

Michael took another mouthful of beer as Sara apologised for her friend. She explained she was visiting from Seattle where she was recovering from a bad relationship. She was a surgical intern that had been sleeping with her boss only to find out he was married when his wife arrived out of the blue. "We went to medical school together," Sara clarified, ordering another drink.

"Do you think that is wise?" Michael motioned to the barmen to cancel her order. Sara pouted in protest and instead took a slurp of Michael's beer. He watched as she threw her head back and drank hungrily from his bottle, the cold droplets on the bottle running towards her mouth and down her chin. Michael stretched out a hand and caught the water as it reached her jaw, wiping it away on his slacks. Sara looked undeterred as she thudded the bottle back on the bar, licking her lips.

The music around them was upbeat, a mixture of old and modern music from a DJ come traditional jukebox in the corner. He played requests and a slow steady introduction filled the air as someone requested a love song. Sara grabbed Michael's hand and slid off the stool tugging on his arm. "Come dance with me" she pleaded and he reluctantly followed her to the dance floor.

Michael felt uneasy under the dim lighting of the floor. Couples paired up and huddled against each other as they swayed. Sara took Michael's hand and laid it around her back, his skin enjoying the feel of hers as it made contact where her dress exposed some skin. He was tense as she placed her small yet skilful hands against his chest, resting it lovingly over his heart. Without thinking Michael brought his other hand up and took her hand in his, holding both of their hands over his heart. Connecting them, their souls.

Sara laid her head against Michael's chest and the swayed to the music. The music soon disappeared, as did everything around them when Sara gently lifted her head to look into Michael's eyes. She could feel his heart beat racing and hers was under the same torture in her chest, adrenaline rushing through her. They looked into each other's eyes for a long while, talking but not, a silent conversation only they could hear.

A second later Michael dipped his head; eyes closed and softly planted a kiss upon Sara's lips. They stopped swaying and Sara pressed further into Michael's body, taking her hand from his and snaking it around the back of his neck. There is rested, fingertips brushing playfully at the soft downy neck hair he had there. Michael's other hand dropped to join his other on Sara's back and they melted away from the world.

All Michael could hear was the beat of his heartbeat and all he could feel was Sara under his hands. Sara parted her lips gentle to allow Michael entry and he complied, hungrily massaging her tongue with his own. Their skin bristled with impassioned want, buzzing to life under each other's hold. She tasted like beer in his mouth and sent him to places he had never been before. Places he wanted to go more often.

Sucking in a breath, Sara broke off the kiss. They stood there on the silent dance floor, staring into each other's abyss, panting arduously with passion.

"Let's go," Sara told him leading him from the floor, fingers interlocked, never wanting to let go.

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