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Michael threw his jacket over the back of Sara's couch and took a seat on it. Sara was clattering with something in the kitchenette beside him but he had been told to wait here and not look. His body surged with excitement and he rubbed his flat palms over his expensive suit pants, drying them crudely. Sara darted from the kitchen, a wicked grin on her face.

"Wait there," she pointed at him and like a puppy he obeyed. That was what Michael was, her puppy. He would do anything for her and expect little in return. She was his master and he was her cute, obedient puppy dog. He smiled anxiously, awaiting her return.

His grin widened when a thin scrap of silky material covered his eyes and was tied behind his head. "Do I even want to know why you have this?" he teased. Sara leant over the back of her couch, running her hands down his chest as she went and rested her mouth by his ear.

"It's best you don't talk," she breathed hotly into his ear before retracting her touch. Michael's skin came to life, shivering beneath her contact. His breath hitched in his throat and his hands became clammy again as they gripped the edge of her couch cushions.

The blindfold brought his senses to life. By shutting off one Sara had awakened the others to her every move. He heard her enter the kitchen, following the sound of her heels on the floor with his head. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, the blood pumping beneath his skin warming his already searing body. The sound of her heels vanished shortly after a clatter on the tiled floor and her smell drifted past him.

She smelled like vanilla again, angelic and pure. She paused in front of him to place something on the glass-topped coffee table with a chink, telling Michael it was glass, possibly a bowl. Sara was silent as she knelt between his legs, pulling the hem of his shirt from his smart pants before taking the cufflinks from his sleeves.

"Take off your shirt," she commanded him. "I'll be right back" Michael gulped a dry lump down his throat and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Impatiently he yanked his arms from the sleeves and tore it of his back, his skin chilling in the apartment air giving him goose bumps all over his body. Sara was gone for what seemed like an eternity and he laid his head back, trying to peek through the bottom of the blindfold. A playful smack to the back on his shaven head made him groan aloud with impatience.

"Naughty boy," Sara whispered into his ear, her face inches from is own. He could feel her body heat radiating onto him and knew she had changed into something a little more revealing. Her smell lingered on his sense and he opened his mouth marginally to kiss her, bringing his hand to her face. "Uh uh," she mischievously cooed as she caught his hand mid way, dropping it back onto the couch with a springing thud.

"Sara..." he hissed though gritted teeth as she scratched light circles over his chest and down to his belt.

"Was this an expensive suit?" she asked childishly whilst unbuckling his belt. Michael's leg twitched and he swallowed another obstruction in his mouth. She set him on fire. Her hands on his skin, the way she whispered into his ear with utter allure, her words as sublime as her gorgeous presence. Michael had very little self-control and she was severely testing his boundaries with her onslaught.

"Uh..." he stuttered breathing quickly, his brow wrinkling with irrelevant thought. Sara smiled a wicked smile, licking her lips with the tip of her tongue when she pulled his belt from the belt loops without remorse for the burning it left across his waist from friction. "It was, yeah," he replied in a hurry.

"Then I should be really careful with this," Sara told him, moving away from his chest to grab at something on the table. Michael frowned as he strained to hear her movements. The sound of liquid moving against metal filled his ears and a hollow pop followed. A mixture of welcomed fear and arousal flooded his being and Michael went rigid with apprehension.

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