Messaging log 1

33 1 0

Cake974: hey 340, you there?

Cheddar340: yep! How r u???

Cake974: Good, i set up an online journal!

Cheddar340: Send me link! Send Now!

Cake974: ok, ok calm down. Lol!

Cheddar340: Srsly, thats the name?

Cake974: got a problem?

Cheddar340: Yes! You shouldve called it or

Cake974: One sec, 692 is texting me, want me to add him?

692thesexmaster has joined the chat

Cheddar340: Hey 692, i see uv changed ur im name ;D

Cake974: Should i leave the lovebirds alone and go obsess over cake?

692thesexmaster: No, sexy! Stay so i can make out with you!

Cake974: perv! you do know your girlfriend is reading this, right?

Cheddar340: 974, why do you have to be so sexy you woo my boyfriend?

692thesexmaster: Yeah, your curves are just so damn hypnotic sweetheart

Cake974: 340, how can you date him?

692thesexmaster: Well, I am good in bed

Cheddar340: Actually, you suck! But its the best ill get.

Cake974: Im starting to feel like a third wheel, so im gonna leave now. I have homework anyway.

692thesexmaster:Goodbye sexy ;D <3

Cheddar340: Adios, Hon

Cake974 has left the chat

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