Chapter 2

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Amy and I sat on my front porch waiting for Lori. She had texted us both telling us she had good news so she wanted us to all meet up. We picked my house because it was in-between the other two. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon: light wind, sunny, and 80 degrees with no humidity. Perfect weather. It wasn’t long before Lori’s car pulled up and she bounced out of it and over to us.

                “Guess who got invited to a frat party?!” She said happily.

                “Really? By who?” I asked.

                “You know Josh right? Well I was at the mall and we were talking when his brother came up and invited me and said I could bring a couple of friends, girls only.” She said with a smile.

                “Sweet!” Amy said and stood up.

                “Alright where is it?” I asked.

                “It’s at NIU! And it starts at 9. We can stay there all night.” Lori informed us.

                We weren’t the usual party girls. We were the good ones who never got drunk and lied, so of course we were a little excited. I stood up next to the two and smiled. “Okay what are we going to wear?” I asked.

                We thought for a moment until Lori clapped her hands. “I think this is a time for shopping!” She shouted and giggled.

                “Yes! Let’s go!” Amy said.

                “Go where, girls?” We all flipped around to my dad coming out of the house.

                “We’re gonna go shopping, dad.” I told him.

                “Alright have fun, I’m headed out to the grocery store.” He told us.

                “Okay, bye!” We all said in unison and headed to Lori’s car.

                We decided to go to the outdoor mall instead of the other one because Lori had just been there. There were plenty of stores to choose from, and the first one we picked was Pac Sun. After parking the car, we all headed in and looked around. We focused on casual but dressy. I found a cute cheetah print skirt that went up to my waist. I finished off the outfit with a loose half black thank top. Lori picked out some dark ripped jeans with a few holes in them and a white half thank top with a few black designs on it. Amy found a pink high skirt and chose a white t-shirt with pink and yellow tie-dye. She said she would tuck it under the skirt to make it look a little better.

                We then headed over to DSW to find some shoes. When we walked in the countless aisles with an array of shoes stood before us. We all went off in different directions with different styles. I searched through the heels. I found some black ones that looked a little like boots, but had wedge heels that were covered in the black fabric. I tried them on and they were perfect, so I went to go find the other two.

                Amy was over at the converse. She found a pair that were pink and white, and looked pretty cute. “I think I’ll get these.” She said and held them up to me.

                “I like them! I picked these.” I told her and opened the box for her to see.

                “Ooh, cute girl!” She said, and we went to find Lori.

                Lori was over at the heels. She was checking out some high heeled shoes with zebra prints on them. “I think I’m getting these.” She told us when we got over to her.

It Runs In the Family (sequel to A Painful Love)Where stories live. Discover now