Chapter 13

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Summer was going by faster than I imagined. At first it was the usual graduation parties, and they happened a lot. Almost every weekend on Friday and Saturday there would be a party. I spent a lot of time with Elise, knowing she'd be off in another state sooner than I wanted. It was sad to leave friends behind, but we promised each other that we would keep in touch no matter what.

Max and I had even gotten a little better. I often questioned myself on why I stayed with him, but the answer was always obvious. I loved him so much. I sometimes felt I loved him way more than I did myself, which was probably true. The other part of me believed I wouldn't be able to even get another guy. Max had said it many times and explained why he thought that way, and I ended up agreeing. I didn't dress to impress, I was too shy around guys, and it had taken me so long to even get a proper boyfriend. I mostly felt hurt when he said it, but got used to it and just accepted it.

I knew I shouldn't be giving him excuses but I couldn't help it. Even after all of the times he hit me I couldn't see myself leaving him. He was my first love and had my virginity, we were so connected in so many ways. We talked a lot about spending the rest of our lives together and even kids. We both agreed that if we had a boy he would be named Riley, and if we had a girl she'd be named Lillian. Of course we'd have to think a little more if we had children after that, but we weren't that far yet. It was a little hard to think about kids after my miscarriage, but I somehow managed to do so.

Before I even knew it, it was time to go on our trip. I spent the whole day before packing and getting myself ready. We were going to drive the whole way there, spend five days in California, then come back. I was excited beyond belief. I had never been on a vacation, especially one with a boyfriend. Being alone with Max for an entire week was going to be amazing, I just knew it.

When the day finally came I packed my bags into Max's car, said goodbye to my parents and friends, then we were off. The first couple of hours were spent blasting music and singing along to it. We were already having a great time. The couple hours after that we stopped singing to the music but it still played. Our voices were getting tired and we were just getting bored of it. Small talk played on as we came to tolls, stopped for food or to use the bathroom, or stopped to take a break and switch off drivers. This was going to be a long drive.

The first night we checked into a Motel 8 so we could rest before we drove the rest of the way. As we got into our room, we set our bags down on the floor and I plopped myself down on the bed. "I hate being stuck in a car for a long time." I said.

"Me too." He replied. "But I have a surprise."

I watched as he walked out of the room and I raised my eyebrows in question. After about five minutes he was back carrying a cooler. Max set it on the floor and then opened it, revealing a mixture of flavored Smirnoff Ice and Budweiser beer. I smiled wide and stood up. "You're amazing." I told him and placed a kiss on his lips.

We played a couple games of Circle of Death, then moved the long, waist high dresser towards the middle of the room so we could play Beer Pong. Max set up the cups that he brought and then grabbed a ping pong ball. We then filled the cups with beer and Smirnoff and began playing. The night went on like that with us drinking and just having fun. We were so happy to be together and have no worries at all. Of course though, the alcohol soon hit our system and after a few hours we were passed out.


The sun shone through the window and attacked my face, causing me to groan and roll over, unfortunately off the bed. I landed with a loud 'thump' and yelped. Shuffling came from the bed and Max popped his head over the side and raised his eyebrows. "You okay?" He asked.

It Runs In the Family (sequel to A Painful Love)Where stories live. Discover now