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It was sunny for a change, would Sadie be here again? I waited around the bus stop, for her. 

"Jackson? Are you just going to come here everyday?" 

I heard her voice, I turned around.

She looked cuter without like 3 jackets. A pink skirt with a white tank top blouse. Her hair was in a bun, cute. 

"You like nice today, and no... I need to go to the...."


"The... Um... Grocery store! I just stopped to check where it was on my phone."

I showed the phone that I luckily had in my hand.

"You mean... The grocery store... Right there?"

She pointed to one across the street.

"Oh! I didn't see it there..." 

"Do you have the time?" She asked. 

"It's 5:57, we've been talking for a while."

Always at 5:55 | Jackson FFWhere stories live. Discover now