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"So uh... Are you in a relationship?"

I scratched the back of my neck, blushing.

"Well, we didn't break up but I guess so. But if he does come back... I guess I'm not going to really date anybody until I'm certain he's not coming..."

"How long have you been waiting?"

"4 months..."

"Do you still think he's coming?"

"Um... Yeah I do... He'd always tell me something unless it would hurt me... It did hurt me but if he wasn't planning on coming back... He would of just left without words..."

She walked to a tree, it had no leaves, even though it was spring

I saw a little craving on it....

JB x Sads

In a heart...


"My nickname, only he called me that though..."

"Mind if I call you that?"

"Yeah... I would..."

"Sure, if you don't want me to, I won't..."

Always at 5:55 | Jackson FFWhere stories live. Discover now