Sorting Things Out

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Alya and Nino were frantically pacing back and forth in front of the school steps, waiting their friends to arrive. Alya turned to Nino with her arms crossed.

"Admit it, I was right." Nino stopped and placed his hands on his hips.

"What? About your theory that Ladybug and Chat Noir were body swapped? Ummmm..." Nino started gesturing to himself. "Obviously you were right!" Alya huffed and turned away from Nino, and Nino did likewise with Alya. From an outsider's point of view, it would look like two normal couples arguing about some random thing. However it was much more complicated than that. After their up close and scary encounter with Gemini, the two teens had discovered that they were in each other's room, and also in each other's bodies. It was pretty traumatizing for Nino, but Alya had a mixture of feelings. She was both excited that she was right about the whole body swap situation, and she felt like she was living in a comic book(or a crappy fanfic 😉). But she was less than thrilled about being in her boyfriends body.

"I'm still not okay with having to get changed today!" Alya said looking over her shoulder. Nino's mouth became agape and he angrily turned towards her.

"We agreed to never speak of it again!" At this point, both Marinette and Adrien arrived at school, originally looking deep into each other's eyes with goofy smiles on their faces. But the arguing from their best friends brought them out of their gaze, and looks of worry were plastered onto them.

"What's... going on...?" Adrien asked already knowing what had happened to them, as he experienced their disappearance first hand, but it was weird to see Nino's body walk over and hug him with the same mannerism that Alya would with Marinette.

"Oh girl, you'll never believe what happened!" Adrien and Marinette both had to suppress some cringe from hearing those words come out of Nino's mouth. Alya paid them no mind and went on with her explanation. "Nino and I swapped bodies!" Neither Adrien or Marinette looked at all surprised, and this took back both Alya and Nino.

"Wait, why aren't you guys like freaking out right now?" Nino pipped in. Marinette and Adrien look at each other.

"Do you want to tell them?" Adrien asked Marinette. She nodded in a slight reluctance and turned again to Alya and Nino.

"Well... we are kinda swapped ourselves..." Their friends' jaws dropped and the two just shrugged with awkward smiles.

"That makes so much more sense for both of your guys's strange behavior!" Alya was bouncing up and down with excitement and joy. Though she immediately turned a one eighty and pointed right at Adrien with a stern look about her. "You better not have taken any unwanted peaks at my BFF, or so help me I will destroy you!" Adrien put his hands up in defense.

"I absolutely did no such thing. I respect Marinette too much to do that." Alya retracted her hand back to her person, and sighed with content.

"Alright I believe you, but I swear if you do, I will murder you when you back in your own body." Adrien nodded looking very scared. Marinette placed a comforting hand on Adrien and giggled at his expression. Alya's LadyBlog notification sound, and Alya instinctively went for it, though it was not on her person. Instead, Nino had it and he went down to check it. As he scrolled through the notifications, his eyes grew larger.

"You guys need to see this." Everyone of them drew in around him and watched the video that was being played. Chloe was centered in a camera's view, and she was sitting in the mayor's chair. There was something different about her expression; it was more soft and friendly, and she didn't have that high and mighty attitude that she has everywhere she goes.

"People of Paris," Chloe began sounding very formal. She didn't have her typical malice laid in her tone. "This is your mayor, Mayor Bourgeois. I am sorry you have to see me like this. My daughter Chloe and I had an unfortunate run in with one of Paris' newest villains, Gemini. I have also been told that many of our officials such as: our police officers, news reporters and other members of Parliament have also been affected. Therefore we advise everyone to stay at home to avoid any more instances of these body swaps. To Ladybug and Chat Noir, wherever you are, I ask you to please meet with me as soon as possible. Thank you." The video ended, leaving the four friends with stunned expressions. The teachers and students must have seen the same video because they all began to pile out of the school, towards their homes.

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