Chapter 3

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Bayside High was just like every other high school. I had seen it all, from the most violent schools, to schools that were nationally ranked; Bayside was extremely average in comparison.

Meeting friends at a new school is hard but I'm used to being the new kid. I've been moving every year since my first birthday. Never staying in one place long enough to actually form relationships, my Grandmother has been the only person to ever truly care for me. My parents died in an car accident when I was five months old, so my grandmother and I are practically inseparable. These 17 years of life with her have been an adventure to say the least.

The slamming of the locker next to me awoke me from my day dream,
"Hey Janie, long time no see!" Said Mandy, one of my few friends in this god forsaken place.
I met her my first day here last year. Her spirit and ability to enlighten the people around her made us become friends instantly. We're basically polar opposites,  she's an enthusiast and I am a realist, she has an abundance of friends and I have two.

"Hey Mandy! It's literally been two days since I saw you last." Mandy was the only friend I hung out with this summer. My other friend Jared, was a person I studied with during the school year. He helped me pass Calc1. I hope he's in my Calc2 class this year, I thought to myself.

"Two days too long." Mandy gives me a hug emphasizing her point and once again snapping me out of my inner thoughts.

"Have you heard?" Mandy continues talking.
I roll my eyes at her.
"You've got to be a little more specific when you're talking, Mandy. Heard of what?"
"Of course you haven't heard, I keep forgetting you talk to like two people.  You know, the new kid excuse worked last year but it doesn't cut it anymore. You need to get out there, meet new people."
I roll my eyes again, waving my hands to tell her to get to the point.
"But anyways, a kid that used to go to our school is back!" Mandy replied, jumping up in excitement.
I blankly stare at her, not understanding her point.
"Why is that a big deal? People move around a lot, I should know."
She pats my arm, like a teacher trying to explain a concept to a daft student.
"You don't get it. He left the year you came. But when he was here, he basically ruled the school and he was only a sophomore at the time! He had this sense of power, everyone was either afraid of him or drawn to him. Some of the people here followed his word like it was the law."
"That sounds creepy, not exciting." I stared at my friend wide eyed.
"But that's not even the craziest part!  The minute he walked through the door he asked for you, Jane."

My eyes widened and my body tensed, why would a person I've never met be asking for me?
"Are you sure he was talking about me? Jane is a pretty common name."
"He knew your last name and everything. You're the only Jane Reight in this town."

As I replayed my conversation with Mandy in my head, it took me a moment to realize that there were two anomalies in the conversation. One, a boy i've never met came through the school doors and immediately asked for me by name. And two, this is the first time in my 17 years of life that I have lived in the same town for more than 365 days.

Just as I came to that realization the bell rang, signaling the start of my  first period class, Calc2.

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