Chapter 7

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Much like Calc2, the majority of the class period for AP Lit was spent reviewing the syllabus. I tried my best to take notes, especially when it came to the important due dates but I couldn't seem to focus. My whole world had flipped upside down and it was only 2nd period.

When the bell rang, I was slow to pack my things. Dane seemed like a nice guy but I didn't feel like talking, and from what I could gather from our short time together, Dane liked to talk. Unexpectedly, Dane waited for me to pack my stuff and we ended up walking out of the classroom together.

"What's your next class?" He asks me.
I quickly check my schedule, "Chemistry," I respond.
He frowned, "Oh man, I have gym. I guess I'll see you later." He pats my shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze.
"'I'll see you later," I say, hoping I don't sound too awkward.

Dane takes a right turn down a hallway that leads to the school gymnasium. I keep going straight, dreading the idea of having to learn chemistry.


The next 3 periods went by relatively quickly. The bell had rung signaling lunch and I was happy that I would get a break. I usually spent lunch with Mandy and her other friends. They were nice girls, but I never developed a friendship with any of them.
Maybe I should try, it is my senior year and I'm already acquainted with them. Especially now that I'm not moving.

I quickly try to look around the lunchroom to see if Mandy was at a table. Before I could, I heard my voice being shouted.

"Jane! Come sit with us over here." It was Dane, he was being obnoxiously loud and people were starting to stare. The idea of being the center of attention made my hands start shaking and I quickly walked to where he was so he would stop shouting my name.

I was about to tell him that I couldn't sit with him because of Mandy, but my mouth slammed shut when I saw him at the table. The guy who was staring at me in the hallway was sitting right across from Dane, and suddenly, I was tongue-tied. He looked me up and down with his intense stare. At that moment, I couldn't tell if I wanted to swoon or pee my pants.
Maybe a little bit of both.
"Who's your friend Dane?" The handsome yet scary man said. Even when he was speaking to Dane, he hadn't taken his eyes off me.
"This is Jane, we have Lit together." Dane gave me a pat on the shoulder like we were old pals. The mystery man's eyes narrowed on Danes' hand. Suddenly Danes touch felt completely wrong on my skin. I shrugged his hand off as casually as possible. The mystery man stopped glaring.

Finally snapping out of my trance, I looked down at Dane and spoke quickly, trying to get out of this situation as fast as possible.
" I'm sorry Dane but I can't sit with you. I'm going to sit with my other friend. Thanks for the offer!"

I quickly turned around to go to the lunch line. While I was in the line, a quick tap to my shoulder caused me to look behind me. Standing there, in all of his intimidating glory, was the mystery man. The sight of him took my breath away.
I've got to get a hold of myself.
I take a deep breath and smile at him, hoping to come off as calm as possible.

He stuck out his hand.
"I'm Parker. I don't think I got to introduce myself back there." His voice was firm like he was used to giving orders.
 "It's nice to meet you, Parker." I put my hand in his and immediately feel a strong zap, almost like I had accidentally touched a wire that no longer had its protective rubber covering. I quickly pull away and look down at my hand in confusion. I look back up at his face, wondering if he felt what I felt.

When I met his eyes my heart stopped. It was only for a moment, but in that small fragment of time, Parker's eyes had changed to a vivid yellow in replacement of the rich brown I had seen previously.

When I blinked, the yellow was gone but the feeling was still there. I could've ignored it, I would've ignored it, if it wasn't for the memory of a pair of yellow eyes staring at me from the outside of my grandmother's window. I would've ignored it, if it wasn't for the fact that Parker's eyes were almost identical to the ones that still haunted my dreams.

This can't be all in my head.

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