Let the past go

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"I don't love you, I was just using you. Messing with you." The words were thrown like knifes.
"Are you saying that all this time, You been messing with my heart?" Tears ran down his cheeks as he spoke.
"Kyungsoo you weren't worth my love."

Kyungsoo sat in the living room with a knife on the coffee table. The words of his boyfriend..well his ex boyfriend haunts him everytime he thinks.

"Kyungsoo you are too naive and too harsh."

Kyungsoo ran his hand through his hair. His eyes roam down eyeing the knife. People who sees him in this state may think he was stupid for ending his life this way however people can't judge because people didn't know who Kyungsoo really was. No one knew what happened his past relationships.

Kyungsoo never establish a positive relationship. Every relationship he was in, in the end he would be told the same.

He was often told he was cold, had zero to no emotion when it comes to romance. He was also told the reason why people go out with him was because they empathy the fact that he couldn't get anyone to like him.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kyungsoo asked in horror. Jong-In moved in closer. He could smell the alcohol as Jong-In closed the gap between them. Kyungsoo backed up until he couldn't moved anymore. Jong-In roughly pushed the smaller male down on the bed. His hands went up to Kyungsoo's shirt begins to strip the other bare.
Ignoring Kyungsoo's cry to stop.

Kyungsoo shook his head not wanting to recall that night.

He silently begins to sob. He felt very disgusted and useless. He had no clue what he should do now but end the pain now.

Sure he knew there was people that loved him like his parents, cousins, nieces and nephews but not the romantic love, you will give to a lover.

"They don't need me...people die, it's their nature. How am I different?" Kyungsoo said to no one in particular. "They soon will forget about me."

Kyungsoo carefully took the knife with both his hands. He closed his eyes and held his breath. He moved the knife forward. Before Kyungsoo could plunge his heart he felt a force pulling it away from him, like someone was holding the blade. He opened his eyes and to his horror he was right. There was a hand on the blade, bleeding. Kyungsoo didn't hesitate to look up. As soon as he met eyes with the other person, his heart dropped.

"Chanyeol..." He said, his heart twisting in pain.

Chanyeol has been Kyungsoo's friend for ages. They grew up together and did things together. He felt terrible for forgetting about Chanyeol. He started to regret this action. He knew he was being cruel to Chanyeol because the taller male was always there for him when he was down. He was the shoulder he could cry on. He was the one to take him places, making him feel special. Lastly he was.. Kyungsoo's first love.

Chanyeol pulled the knife from the other's grip, causing the cut to be deeper and bigger. Kyungsoo shook a bit as he saw the blood. He look back up at the other's face. He notice that his best friend didn't look angry. But what he could see was the sadness and a glint of betrayal in the other's  eyes.

"Chanyeol." He said again. Chanyeol kneels down and threw the knife to the side. Blood gushing down his hand but he couldn't care less. All he cared about at the moment was his best friend. Chanyeol cupped Kyungsoo's face, shocking the other completely.

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