Truth and Friendship

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Chanyeol's P.O.V

Kyungsoo was the last person I suspected to end his life in a dramatic way. I couldn't believe he would take his life like that. What was it that made him so upset? It's very unusual to see him like this.
There has to be a way to find out what it was or else he was going to do it again.

Kyungsoo and I had a deep history with each other. I knew him to the point where I could tell something was off and to the point that once he did something dangerous, he'll end up doing it again.

I feel very lucky to be able to make it back on time before the knife even made contact with his skin. If I came in seconds later, I don't know what I'll would do. My heart clenched at the idea. It felt as if my heart was being twisted and stomped on.

I remembered how Kyungsoo's face looked when he apologized. He had guilt and sadness written all over, even when he helped me wrap up my wound.

I want to kill Jong-In for hurting Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo didn't deserved all the pain he had throughout his life. In fact Kyungsoo deserved someone who loves him and respects him. Someone like Baekhyun's boyfriend. Baekhyun's boyfriend; Daehyun was the dream boyfriend everyone wanted. Daehyun gives all his heart to Baekhyun to make the him happy. He would always stick up for him, be the shoulder that he could cry on. He is even a better man than I am.

That is why I am no match for Kyungsoo, I knew he wouldn't like someone like me. He is into guys like Jong-In. I don't know what he sees in Jong-In. All I see is a fool who plays with people's hearts.

I sat in the hospital bed thinking to myself. What can I do to make his life better. Thinking about Kyungsoo makes me remember the time I met him.

*Flashback Third P.O.V*

It was a beautiful day, Chanyeol was at the park with his cousins when he spotted a boy sitting on the swings by himself. Chanyeol scurry over and sat on the swing next to the boy.

"Hey, I'm Park Chanyeol."

The boy looked at him. Staring at him not saying anything.

"Can you talk?" Chanyeol asked as he looked up at the other. The boy nods and looked the other way.

"Do Kyungsoo..." He said.

Chanyeol had a huge smile on his face. He jumps on the swing getting the boy's attention "Kyungsoo! Do you want to be my friend?" Chanyeol asked.

"I don't know..." Kyungsoo replied. The boy seemed shy but Chanyeol took his hand. "Come on, I'll show you around." He shouted.

Kyungsoo couldn't say anything because Chanyeol yanked him off the swings and started to run.

*End of Flashback Back to Chanyeol P.O.V*

I couldn't surpass a chuckle as I play the scene over and over. It was fun growing up with him. If magic was real I would love to go back to that time. Kyungsoo was just something I would love to ask for in every life time.

I have to admit that Kyungsoo is always crabby and nagged at everything I do but I didn't hate it. I liked it a lot.

It was not until high school when I found out I liked Kyungsoo more than a friend. At first I thought of it as a friend love friend thing but it was a relationship kind of love.

I kept the feeling hidden, no one knew about it except for my best friend Daehyun. I trust Daehyun a lot because he was my friend before Kyungsoo came along. Daehyun knows when to say something or when to not say anything. I respect him a lot and I am glad he is happy with his life.

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