~ Chapter 1~

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Cats POV.
I ran behind a tree, fell and stretched as the coolness of the shadow casted from the tree hit my body. I opened my mouth wide and yawned loudly.
" Wow, what should I do today..." I thought as I set my head down on my paws. " Maybe I can go to the barn towards the end of town. Nah that's really far away... Hmm maybe I can just sleep today... Nah I do that everyday, oh maybe I can go to the dumpsters and get a snack." I then lay down on my back. "You know what I think  I just rather that a nap." I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Seko POV
"I have to hurry." I thought as I weakly walked by a tree to take a rest because my weak body was running low on energy and life. "Who can I pass it too... I trust none of the people here." I look at my wrinkling skin. I then heard a yawn from the other side of the tree and looked to what appeared to be a black cat. It then went onto its back and drifted off to sleep. "I can trust a animal more... Then any of the people here." I weakly picked the black cat.
It woke up and blinked in surprise to see me. It then took a glance at me and curled up in my arms as if it knew the weak state I was in. I then walked to my house that was not far from town, every step I took I could feel the weights of death on my shoulders get heavier and heavier. I then saw my little white house, which looks more grey and green from time.
I started to feel numb in my legs and my chest burned. I could barely carry the cat, I used my strength to open the door just enough to get inside.
I could no longer feel my hips I fell back in surprise from the sudden numbness reaching both my arms and legs. I hit my body against the door shutting the wind out of the house. I started to choke, my chest burned as if fire was trying to escape my body. The cat walked up to me and lays on my lap. I weakly touched the cat and say weakly " Take care of the world, you were the only pure hearted..." I paused and realized I could no longer talk. I then used the last bit of magic in me to pass on my own magic into the cat, I then felt my body go limp. My last thoughts before my brain was no longer functional was "I hope it works, this has never been done on a animal before..."

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