thursdays forecast

144 14 1

When you woke up next to me after our endless weeks of sleep overs i noticed how you acted frozen.

Frozen as if you were shocked and were speachless

Frozen as if you forgot about something or were planning something

It reminded me of your silver hair, because silver is a cool and icy color and you were frozen


When we got to school you seemed distressed, you were talking about nonsense and homework and how unhappy you were all at once

You were talking about how you wished you could have bettered yourself

I turned you to me, placing mg hands on your cheeks and said " yoongi, you are everthing anyone would want to be. You're loyal,strong, smart, talented, good looking, young, healthy. Please don't keep saying things about yourself like this because it hurts me to think that someone like yourself so full of potential is putting themself down." I breathed out to him

"Thank you love" yoongi said pulling me into a hug


The the end of school today you were happier than earlier

I dont know if it was that talk i gave to you or what, but seeing you happy made me happy

You were talking about how you aced on of your tests today boosting your grade up in that class no making you have straight A's

"Let's go celebrate" you said

We celebrated by cuddling on my bed, now asleep, with an empty pizza box on my floor with cans of tea on my nightstand and candy in a plastic bag on my bed

Today you were frozen like the snow this morning when little flurries went by
Turning into wind when it stopped becoming distressed with all of your thoughts flying around your head
Turing into a happy person like the sun, showing off your gummy smile

Today you were a whirlpool of things, snow, wind and sun

Today you were a whirlpool of things, snow, wind and sun

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