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December 24, 1991 23:59pm Dublin, Ireland

People were running around in pure panic for this was it, the day the world would end. Demons crawled from cracks in the ground as angels rained down from the High Heavens to fight the demons back into the pits of Hell.

In the midst of this a man and a woman were welcoming their children into the world. The woman had died of exhaustion before her other three children could even take in their first breath. The doctors began their work trying to rescue the children before they too, would die, they were stillborne. The doctors solemnly cleaned up the one infant that survived, wishing that they'd been able to bring the other three into the world. They continued by telling the father who let out a cry so loud that Baal- the Lord of Destruction- heard and went directly to the source. He killed everybody but the infant who was cut by his tail, hidden within the room. Baal didn't hear or see the child until Imperius, the protector of the Crystal Arch, protected the child, and chased away the Lord of Hell. The angel was going to leave the child until Malthael appeared and picked up the child.

"She is innocent, why do you plan to kill her?" Malthael asked." She is powerful, and wounded. When she comes of age she will thwart the plans of the Lords of Hell and bring the High Heavens to it's glory."

'She is human! Evil lives within her, she will never be holy enough to live among us angels." Imperius boomed.

" She is not a mortal, she was cut by a Lord of Hell and she only cries because her skin has been split. She shows no sign of death, and her father was killed by the meer sight of Baal. She is stronger than you think, brother."

Malthael disappeared with the child who started crying, wanting the warmth and loving care of her mother.

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