Chapter One

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High Heavens 12/25/1991 24:03

"Malthael, where is the child? She will draw the Lords of Hell to us. She is a creation of Hell." Imperius boomed, searching for the child in the tomes of Wisdom.

" You will not find her here, but in a more sacred place. It shall help her, cleansing the evil from her soul and body."

The child sat under the crystal arch and golden beams of light covered her body. Cloth started forming over her skin and golden, feathery wings sprouted from her back. Imperius only watched as the child sat there giggling her head off at the lights. She seemed to notice him standing there reaching her arms up for him to pick her up. He warily picked up the child, then felt her snuggle into his arms soon after, falling asleep.

"Are you going to name her? If not I have a couple of names in mind. Casca, Maleficent, G-" Mark Mae Heart." Imperius said interrupting Malthael.

" Mark? I thought that was a human male's name..." Malthael questioned.

 Imperius paid no mind to the Angel of Wisdom who was questioning his name choice of the girl. His only concern was for the child in his arms who he had fallen in love with. What he was doing could cost him his wings, but he didn't care. Mark was worth it, he would still have his weapons, his knowledge, he would just have to start to actually care for the humans in the war down below.

"I'm going to take care of her brother, for I am the one who saved her from Baal's claws."

 - Timeskip -

High Heavens June 24, 2017 15:14pm

" Sweethart? Where are you?" Imperius called out to his daughter.

"I'm right here dad. No need to worry." Mark said walking out from behind the Crystal Arch

"Well sorry I'm concerned for my only daughter. Are you ready, you're leading a patrol into the world to see who the survivors are doing." Imperius said nervously scuffing his feet around." Please don't be like the last party, I can't lose you to those demons."

Yeah, I just need to gather everyone and I'm off. I promise to come back in one piece. I'll miss you. I'll write about my experience, discoveries, and most importantly the progress of the Lords of Hell." Mark said gathering her equipment and slowly walking to the ledge, walking off the ledge and hovering in place.

Imperius sadly waved goodbye to his daughter who was returning to her unknown home. Mark took off gathering her team before heading down towards the Earth.

"Don't speak to any of the demons, only answer questions asked by the humans. Only engage in combat if the demons attack first. We are only here to aid them, nothing more. If you do any more you'll lose your wings. Tyrael will be waiting for us at Bastion's Keep. He said that the patrol will be needed there the most." Mark said going over everything that she had learned.

She drew her wings in towards her torso to make herself move faster towards the new place. Her hands started sweating and her heart rate increased greatly. She had only heard tales of the human world, like how Tyrael saved the race with one last vote, and how the Lords of Hell came to start their rule over the unprotected world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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