Meeting the Mysterious "N"

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Here I go...
Please tell me what you all think about this, if there is anyone reading this...

I hope it doesn't suck to much! 🤗😌
(Black and Touya are the same person)

Dedicated to NoTreasure for being my first comment


Touya's POV:

I lay sprawled out on my bed, staring at the ceiling, kicking my feet up and down impatiently. 'How much longer am I going to wait.' I listened to the soft thuds my feet made each time they made contact with the soft mattress of my bed. Boredom eventually took hold of me after thirty minutes of waiting passed. As I drifted in and out of sleep, the door bell suddenly rung, startling me. It's finally here! I flung myself out of bed, gracefully fell down the stairs, scrambled to the door, and whipped it open. The poor mailman just stood there in shock, obviously not expecting the door to open so fast and my appearance. Once he recollected his composure, he handed me the package and had me sign a price of paper. I was bubbling with excitement. 'Time to take it up to my ro...' I stopped mid thought as I remembered that I now had to wait for Cheren and Bianca. Great, even more waiting. Just what I needed. Dragging my feet towards the stairs, I let out a big sigh, obviously not wanting to wait any longer. Just then, the door slammed open as Bianca made her grand appearance, followed by a frazzled Cheren and my mom.

"HELLO BLACK! WE'RE HERE~" On second thought, I wouldn't mind waiting a while longer. My lovely peace and silence, why did you have to leave! Mom noticed the box in my hands and quietly chuckled.

"Why don't you three head upstairs. Don't worry about the groceries, I got them."

Thanking her, we went upstairs and into my room. I placed the box on the table in my room and tried to tune out Bianca screeching like the broken pterodactyl she is. We decided the order of who got their pick at their starter would be me, Cheren, and then Bianca. I carefully undid the ribbon and cast the note attached to the side after reading it. Taking the lid off, I was greeted with three labeled pokeballs, each with a different element behind them. We let them out and proceeded to pick our partners. I immediately fell in love with Oshawott, so decided to go with the water-type starter. Cheren was up next, but before he even had a chance, Bianca already claimed Tepig for herself and shoved Snivy in his face, calming 'this is yours because it looks and acts like you'. I can't disagree with her on that.

After two entertaining battles, we had managed to completely wreck my room. Specifically, my battle against Bianca. It's official, that lady has more than just a few screws loose, her Tepig as well. Thankfully, Mom told us she would clean it and to not worry about it. We scurried to Professor Juniper's lab to thank her and proceeded to Route One. On Route One, I caught a Lilipup and added it to my team. Once we got to Accumula Town, Bianca dragged me all over the Pokemon Center, not giving me a chance to take in the surroundings. When she finally released me from her vice grip, I went out side to look around and spotted a cluster of people and Cheren. I walked up to Cheren and listened to the weird ass speech about Pokemon liberation. The crowd cleared when it was over and out came a random hot dude with long green hair.

"Hello, I'm N and you are..."


Sorry this took so long... 😖

I hope this was satisfactory! ^ω^

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