Dating the mysterious "N''? Part 1 of 2

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Hello! I'm not dead! I have recently been having a bit of writers block, busy with surprise summer camps, and parents who always find something for me to do...😒
I'm going toward it up by making the next two chapter longer than 999 words, so basically 1,000 words long. Hopefully it won't take me too long to do and be ready in a maximum of two weeks after I post this. Hopefully. Keep your fingers crossed. Please enjoy this for now! 🤗


N's POV:
As soon as I got home, I went to my room and sat down on my bed

"Zorua! I have something I need to ask you!"

"Here and ready to listen!" I looked down to see my energetic Zorua sitting next to me on my bed ready to console me.

"What's up?"

"Well, I ran into a strange boy after the speech in Accumula Town. He was very different from the others. He was kind, brave, humorous, handsome, cute, and overall very attractive. I felt the urge to mate him senseless and I kissed his cheek and my heart races whenever I think about him and..."

"That's enough info for me. I think, no believe, no I know your in love with this dude." I stared at Zorua very confused as to what this love is. I think it's an emotion?

"Let me explain love..."

Touya's POV:
Oh. My. Gosh. Did that just actually happen. The guy I just started crushing on kissed cheek. That's it. I need to see him again and see him soon. I need to see his soft green hair, his gorgeous smile, his adorable face, and his everything. He's perfect and I hope we meet up soon.

N's POV:
Everything started to make sense after Zorua finished explaining everything to me. We even made a plan to get the two of us on a Ferris wheel, which Zorua said it was very romantic. I may or may not have plotted out his entire journey and path he would take while following him. I'll get to see my little cutie soon. (A/N: His word choice is heavily influenced by Zorua. Hope he's not to out off character) My mind starts to wander to "dirty thoughts" like kissing Touya on the lips and sleeping in the same bed and snuggling and holding hands. I sighed happily, but started to mentally scold myself after I realized the kind of thoughts I was having. I can't ruin his innocence with my thoughts. That's a big no no. I sigh as I wonder if he's thinking about me as well.

"You look like a love-sick high school girl. It's starting to freak me out a bit... A lot."

"Maybe that's because I am."


"What does a love sick high school girl look like?"

"Look in the mirror and you have your answer."

"So we all look alike?"

"Yes, but not in the way your thinking. The expressions, habits, and antics are the same."


To be honest, I have no clue what Zorua is saying half the time, but I just go along with the flow. Back to the plan at hand, I need to be in Nimbasa City tomorrow to get a chance to see him again. I already have what Zorua calls a date planed out. Oh my gosh he's so adorable.

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