Part 2

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 Aquarius will walk away or keep their distance when they sense that they're getting pinned to one person

Aquarius have a dynamic and attractive personality that charms people.

Aquarius are good at getting people to open up to them, while hiding their feelings.

Aquarius have the ability to tease you badly until you beg for it. Say the magic words 😉

Aquarius can be your friend, partner or worst enemy.

Aquarius seem to have their own rules and regulations as to their conduct and they completely reject others telling them what to do.

Aquarius are thoughtful and reflective and blessed with a sharp mind.

Aquarius' usually see things differently compared to most people.

Aquarius' won't usually date somebody they wouldn't want to marry.

Aquarius' have a "don't speak if we are not spoken to" attitude..

Aquarius' are mentally strong, it's amusing that no one ever really knows how they truly feel or what they are thinking about.

Aquarius' can work by themselves without ANY help. Independence comes naturally to them.

Aquarius' don't lose true feelings for the person they love. It's just sometimes that person changes. But they love the old them.

Aquarius' hardly fall in love, but when they do they give their all for that one person.

Aquarius' are caring & they care about the littlest things others might not.

Aquarius' are the most loving creatures on earth, somehow they don't know how to express it the way the other person wants.

Aquarius' have great impacts on people and society and most importantly, have to be in a power positions.

Aquarius' gets bored and restless easily.

Aquarius' are honest, genuine people, who care so much for people in their lives.

As a thinker, Aquarius' can feel emotions in the mind rather than the heart.

Aquarius' very secretly observe just like a vulture, watching everything quietly. And you wonder why they know everything!

Aquarius' are unforgettable because once they are in your life, they make sure they leave a mark behind.

In their relationships, Aquarius' are teasing and provocative, rather than possessive and jealous.

Aquarius' get extremely annoyed with any senseless or purposeless extravagance of any kind.

Aquarius' just won't do certain things because of how high their pride level is.

Aquarius' are always thinking of things that have happened in the past, and never regret anything.

Aquarius' wants you to love them for their intellect, and to admire their visions.

Aquarius' need space and value personal freedom. Any attempt to box them in will likely fail.

Aquarius' know just the way to make you smile, or giggle.

Aquarius' tend to feel 'love at first sight' but rarely act upon it.

Aquarius' can smile and laugh even when they are burning and exploding from the inside!

Aquarius' are good at giving advice because it is mostly based on their experiences and perspectives.

Aquarius' are way better in writing rather than to speak when it comes to express their deep feelings.

Aquarius' can give other people advice and solve problems for other people except they cant fix their own mess.

Aquarius' are demanding.

Aquarius' need to learn how to care about ONE special person rather than the whole world!

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