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WPOV: (wills point of view)

Something is chasing me. No, someone. The sounds of screams fill the air. Screams that belong to me. My lungs hurt but I keep running. Until I cannot any longer. I have reached a dead end.

I look behind me. Octavian. He's the one chasing me. His eyes, wild and murderous. I back up slowly until I no longer can. Octavian is closing in. A gust of wind chills the air. And someone clears their throat. A cloaked figure steps in front of me. He reaches his hand into his pocket.

Silence. All I hear is the sound of glass shattering.

I am now, awake and alert. I run out into my- his living room. Octavian sit at the table. Glass shards broken seemingly from a beer bottle. He looks up and sees me. His grin mischievous. He's up to no good.

He stumbles to his feet and staggers his way over to me. He runs his fingers through my hair. Roughly. Painfully. He's so close I can small booze on his breath. His grin grows wider as he notices my unease.

"How about we have some fun tonight" Octavian says. He crushing his lips to mine. Its anything but gentle.

I struggle and manage to pull my lips from his "no" I whisper hardly audible.

"What wrong babe? Scared to be with a real man?!" He says pushing me against a wall with force. An excruciating amount if pain shoots through my back.

Yet again I try to push him off but he's too strong. 'Im done for I think to myself' I tire myself I cannot fight anymore he has won.

-time skip, next morning-

I wake the next morning, stiff. I am in our room, mine and Octavian's. In the bed he insists we share. I am completely dresses down. Bruises up and down my body from when he got to rough.

I begin to feel tears run down my face. How could I let this happen? Its all my fault. I stand up to go to the bathroom. And Octavian stirs beside me "where are you going?" He growls.

"J-just the bathroom" I answer nervously.

"Hurry back then, I have plans for today"

I nodded and left the room. As I reached the bathroom I gazed into the mirror. I see hallow, empty eyes that used to be full of life and happiness. Instead now replaced with the sarrowfull eyes that now belong to me.

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