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I was back to our room to find Octavian already dressed with a ball of clothes in his hands. Mine. He throws them at me and says "get dressed"

So I do. As Octavian watches. Intently. I look down I am covered foot to neck. Concealing every area that may show skin. Octavians way of saying 'you're mine'

I feel Octavian looking at me, and I look anywhere but at him. Fearing seeing the fury that always seems to be in his eyes. So I just keep my eyes on the ground and my arms crossed on my chest, my defense mechanism.

Octavian noticed this as well, he took a few steps forward and I tried my best not to flinch when he put his hand on my jaw. He tilted my chin upwards so I don't have a choice but to look at him. "Are you ready?" He asks softly.

"Yes." I reply shakily. When his voice is soft you know it can get much worse, but when it's loud, there is only little ways for it to get worse. So in a way, soft is scary.

"Good." He replies and grabs my hand and leads me out the door and to the car. I get in the car, knowing that not getting in would end very badly.

Octavian nods and goes to the drivers side of the car and gets in. Once inside I ask "W-where are we going?"

Octavian's vicious smile raises from ear to ear. "Where going to a shooting range" he says before turning his attention to the road and backing out of the driveway.

My heart drops. A shooting range? Guns? Loud noises? I can't do this. I can't handle this. And why- why would Octavian need to use a gun?

The whole way to the range, my mind is searching for answers but none come. Octavian parks and opens his door, he looks at me and says "Get out." He must of seen the hurt in my eyes because he adds 'please?' Onto the end of that.

I open my door and follow Octavian through the gates and up to the desk where he pays and continues walking. I am going to hate this day

-time skip-

Octavian continues shooting at an already ruined target, shouting whenever he misses the center. Soon enough, he's out of bullets, he takes down his target and makes his way to the car.

Once inside, Octavian decides it's time for lunch and makes his way to the nearest McDonalds.

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