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Business was slow as usual, and boring, until two men walked it. The first was talk, broad shouldered, and walked like he owned the place. His muscles were bulging through his shirt, and he was standing in front of a boy.

The boy appeared to be very shy, he was covered head to toe in clothes that were way too big for him. He was cowering behind the bigger man, clearly distraught.

Before I even speak. The man says "yeah, lemme get a Big Mac, that's all." When he's done, he throws me a sickening smirk.

I nod and type in the order, I turn towards the smaller boy and ask him if he wants anything. He doesn't answer. Instead, the other man speaks up, "no he doesn't" his voice boomed. And I noticed the smaller boy flinch.

That's when it hit me, he's scared of this guy. 

"I didn't ask you. I asked him." I said not taking my eyes off the boy. He quickly responds "no I don't want anything." His voice was quiet. But sweet.

I took a glance at the bigger guy. Then back at the blonde headed boy. "I'm gonna get you something anyways. It's on me" before he can object I print out the ticket and hand it to him. "You're number will be called when it's ready. Next." I say without breaking eye contact. And with that. They walked away.

Without thinking, I was acting. I quickly made a McDouble, grabbed a wrapping sheet, and scribbled my phone number on it, just in case the boy needed anything. My coworker called their number and they left as soon as they had their food in hand.

The big man, threw himself into the car with such force, the car shook. And the boy flinched. With that, I knew I made the right decision. Risky. But the right decision.

OKAY! before y'all yell at me for not posting. If like to apologize. I haven't had the inspiration to write. But I'm trying to get this out for you guys. Thanks to all of you who have read, means everything to me. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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