Perfume- Chapter 8

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"Wh... what on earth happened?" Adrien wondered as he awoke to the sound of the beeping of some kind of machine. He opened his eyes and, to his horror, realized that he was lying on a hospital bed in his civilian form. 

"Where is he? What happened? I must see him now!" Adrien could hear his father demanding outside of the room. 

"They're still not quite sure, but the nurses said that he should regain consciousness any minute now.." he heard a familiar voice say nervously.

"Princess? Father?" Adrien thought as he started to list possibilities in his head of what could have happened, the memories of the past few hours now flooding into his mind. "Oh no," he thought, "if I arrived at Marinette's house as Chat Noir, then that means..." His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a doctor slowly opening the door.

"Monsieur Agreste," the doctor continued, "it is good to see you have recovered."

"What happened to me?" Adrien asked when the doctor had finished explaining his condition.

"We are not quite sure, but the nice girl who brought you in said that she.. um.. had found you unconscious by the road near by her home a few hours ago."

"Oh, yeah.. right. I must have hit my head somewhere when I was taking a walk," Adrien decided to go along with the story Marinette had created for him. 

"Ah, yes. Quite interesting effects for a hit to the head though, I must say.." the doctor said, eyeing him suspiciously. Seeming satisfied by the patient's innocent expression, however, after letting him know that he would be well enough to leave the next day, the doctor opened the door halfway and began speaking to the anxious visitors outside. 

"Wait," Adrien spoke up as the doctor was preparing to leave, "could I first see the girl who brought me in, please?"

"Very well then. Miss Dupain-Cheng, the patient would like to see you," the doctor said. Adrien tried to keep from laughing as he heard Chloe and a few of his other classmates complaining. 

"A- Adrien? Are you okay?" The warm, friendly scent of the rose perfume he had gifted to Marinette filled the cold room as she slipped in. 

"Yeah, I guess I am now..." Adrien replied, becoming worried at how uncomfortable his visitor seemed near him. 

"So.. I... um.. made you this as a get-well-soon present, but I guess it seems kind of silly since you'll be able to leave by tomorrow. I, uh, probably overreacted by bringing you all the way to the hospital..." Marinette said awkwardly, handing him a quiche from the bakery, all while being very careful not to make full eye contact with him. 

Now, normally, Adrien would've been overjoyed that he was being given delicious food, and home-made by Marinette at that, but the apprehensive feelings that came with knowing that she now knew his identity and may or may not be happy about it blocked any other thoughts from entering his mind.

"Oh! Um.. thank you, Marinette..." Adrien said as he accepted the gift and put it next to him on the hospital bed. He gestured for her to come closer.

Marinette fidgeted as her feet seemed to carry her across the floor towards Adrien on their own. Her cheeks turned red as she had realized she had come several inches too close, but Adrien didn't seemed to mind. In fact, he leaned in until they were close enough to kiss. 

"Are you disappointed it was me?" Adrien whispered as he stared into her pretty blue eyes. Much to his dismay, he heard the door open before she had a chance to answer.

"Adrien, your father would like to see you now," the doctor cut in.

"Oh, I um.. I probably should go," Marinette said, embarrassed at the scene she was caught in. She quickly stood up and rushed out before Adrien had a chance to stop her.


Hey guys! First of all, I would like to apologize for not being able to create any new or original content recently. I have been very busy with this new big project of mine, which I will be telling you all about today! The thing I have been working so hard on is a huge Miraculous Ladybug and Alice in Wonderland crossover story that will have original artwork for almost all of the chapters! The first few parts will be very closely based on Lewis Carroll's original book, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Sound boring? Well, worry not! There will be a huge plot twist somewhere along the way. The whole story will be posted here when it's finished. Feel free to submit any cool character concepts and designs! All help is greatly appreciated. All contributors will be rewarded, too! As always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day! :)


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