25th Quarter

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Author's Note!

Reviews and Criticism is highly appreciated.

Warning: May have a little bit of OOC but nevertheless, it is how I envisioned it.

*Italics are thoughts of the characters. * *Bold letters are in English*


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, events portrayed in this story is used fictitiously or products of the author's imaginations.

The Strategist Empress. Copyright © 2016 by Cordelia Michaelis. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Kuroko No Basket. I only own the Plot and the OC.


Chapter 25

The game continued as I made my way to the venue and I already sensed Kagami's aura and the results of the training that we held a few days ago, gave a good show for the spectators to see. The Seirin – Kaijo game was intense as the two aces go head to head a few more times as both teams' Offense and Defense are now reversed, Seirin had to go on the Offense. Kise had felt of Kagami's raw talent that can be compared to the Miracles' auras themselves. The blonde felt threatened and definitely didn't want to lose but looking closely, it was clear that the player was injured. Kise slightly winced in pain as he stepped on his injured foot and his coach saw that slight change in his ace's movements. Naturally, Kaijo's coach decided to take a time out for his team and let his ace rest until he can play without wincing in pain every minute or so.

Kise reluctantly agreed to be subbed but he was irritated and everyone in his team can sense that. An interaction happened between the two pillars of Seirin that made everyone in Seirin face palm at the moment. Sensing that the team changed when Kiyoshi and Hyuga fought, their determination to win spiked higher. They fought with all their might and even the audience was heated up. I was at the end of the entrance where a Rakuzan player stood, a clipboard on his hand and he was intently watching the game.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I slightly turned my head to the side and side-glanced at the team who was approaching the other player. They discussed about their game between Shutoku and I had an inkling feeling that Akashi had warned them yet again. I crossed my arms as I watched the game, ignoring the looks that I got from behind me and mumbled, "Seirin, what will you do now? Ryo-kun won't be forgiving in the last four minutes of the game..."

"Yuki." A certain red head called out to me and I titled my head to the side before replying, "Seijuro. I'm sure you know the reason why I don't play against Ryo-kun." I turned to look at him with darker blue eyes that occasionally flickers to violet and Akashi was slightly taken back by my eyes, seeing that it was the first time he saw my ever changing eyes.

"You have been holding out." He simply said as he stared at my profile.

I smirked a bit before closing my eyes and focused my gaze at the game after opening them, "I have and I don't regret it. I'll see you at the Finals." With that, I waved my hand at him without looking back and head towards Seirin's Locker room and changed my clothes to my basketball shorts and a T-shirt along with my jacket that is currently resting on my shoulders.

Aomine and Momoi came to the venue a few hours after our interaction and it was time that Kise and Kuroko was subbed in the game. With only four minutes left of the quarter, they both went all out to the best of their abilities on the court. Kise used his Perfect Copy to stop Kagami but Kuroko found a way to defeat that ability. Kaijo fights back once again when Kise came back in the court, making a comeback from falling behind our 15 point lead. The crowd started cheering for Kaijo and that gave Seirin an intense pressure that we haven't experienced before. A little over a few minutes, Kaijo was leading by a point as they took our lead and turned it in their favor and Seirin began their counter attack in their well-known style, the run-and-gun method, surprising the audience as well as their rival on court.

The Strategist Empress (Aomine X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant