What the hell is going on?

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Lisa's pov: The boys were wheezing with laughter on the ground. Derek said, "Your faces were hilarious! This is going on my YouTube channel." Tara was upset and yelled at the boys. "Are you kidding me! You had to wake me up for this crap!" I calmed her down and we all went back to our sleeping bags. I woke up at 3 am in the midst of a storm. My mouth was dry so I went to the kitchen to get some water. As I drank the water, I heard a door slowly creak open next to the kitchen. I thought that it was the boys messing with me again. "Guys?" I called out. There was no response. "That's not funny! You already tried to scare us once. Isn't that enough?" I shouted. Then the basement door closed with a slam! "AH!" I shouted while jumping back, startled. I was kind of worried about them, but I got pissed because of that stupid prank they pulled earlier. "This better not be another of your dumb pranks. Just leave us alone to sleep!" Ugh I'm so sick of these guys acting so immature. I'm just going to go to sleep anyways. Just when I was about to get back to my sleeping bag, I heard screams coming from the basement. "Ahhhhhhh! Who are you? Get away from us!!" I recognized that voice..... Derek's voice. "Let us go you creep! Someone help us!"yelled Max. I walk to the basement door and see huge muddy footprints. This is not normal. My eyes widened, as I woke Tara up. Tara looks up at me with drowsy eyes, "What is it? It's 3 am just go to sleep. " "I think the boys are in trouble. Something is wrong in the basement!" She groaned and said, "They're going to be fine. They're probably just pranking us again." I yelled, "They are screaming, and I saw huge muddy footprints leading towards the basement door. I really think they are in trouble." I lead Tara towards the basement door and showed her the footprints. Her eyes grew wide and she asked, "Should we get your parents?" I shook my head and said, "I don't think that they will be much help. They probably are going to ask us to leave them alone on their vacation." She then asked, "What about the police? Shouldn't they be much help?" I looked at her and said, "Really? The boys could be stabbed down there. By the time the police arrive, they'll all be dead." She stood back and said, "Fine.. Let's just wake the other girls up." I nodded. We both woke the other girls and told them the situation. It took a lot of convincing for them to agree to go with us to the basement.

All four of us tiptoed down the stairs to the basement slowly. I carried a baseball bat, Olivia carried a golf club, Tara carried a knife, and Scarlet carried a hammer. We were all scared as hell, but we tried to stay brave and keep our guard up. As we made it to the basement, we called out, "Max? Derek? Leonard? Are you guys ok?" "Urrrrr!" shouted by someone in the distance. We followed the noise and we froze at what we saw. "Oh my God!" shouted Tara. There on the ground was Derek, Max, and Leonard tied up with their mouths taped. Scarlet yelled, "Somebody call the police!" Max, Derek, and Leonard were shooking their heads and yelling something. "Urggghhh!", Yelled Leonard. "What is it?" I asked as I ripped the tape off of them. They all howled in pain, "Owwww!" I turn to Derek and saw that his eyes showed fear. I knew something was wrong. Derek eyes drifted to something behind me and shouted, "LLook out!" I was about to turn around with my bat ready when all of the sudden I felt a huge blow to my neck. Wack! "Arghh!" I groaned. I dropped my bat and fell to the ground, seeing all my friends lying unconscious. My vision turned blurry, and before I was about to black out, I saw a glimpse of a mask. It was a mask that had huge eye sockets and looked like the mouth had been stretched, as I see most of his gums and his teeth. It was a horrifying sight to see. He stood there breathing heavily. But, he looked really familiar. I think I saw him somewhere. Then I was shocked when I realized who it was....
the psycho from the game..... Josh

Although I was unconscious, I could hear the noises of our bodies being dragged up the stairs. As we get dragged, I hear the tv turn on. I wanted to escape but I didn't have enough strength to move to move. Man, what was I thinking of going into the basement? I could hear circus music play from the tv. It sounded like......the music from the game. Oh no.. I thought.....We're entering the tv!" Then I hear a voice nearby. "What are you doing! Let the kids go and get out of here before I call the cops." "Dad.." I muttered..."Help.. us." After I said those words, I feel my body being thrown. Then I plunge with the others in the deep utter darkness.

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