Max's Fear

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                                                                                    Lisa's POV 

That voice faded away as my body started to slump down. I felt like I needed to rest...

Hours later..

My eyes fluttered open and I started to regain consciousness.  I turned next to me and behind me. All my friends were slowly regaining their mental state as well. 

Olivia says, "What happened?" 

I responded, "We passed the first level. This is the next one." 

Max looked at the cave to figure out what will come for us and suddenly turned pale. 

"Hell no!" he yelled. "We are definitely not going through this." 

I look at the cave and was also weirded out. The cave wasn't shaped in the level it was supposed to be. It was shaped as a female screaming. She had scars on her and a bleeding mouth.  However she looked familiar.......

Leonard recognizes her and told Max, "Isn't that your mom? Why are we facing her? She's dead." 

Max stiffened at the comment. Olivia noticed and gave Leonard a hard look. Leonard stops. Olivia has been fond of Max from time to time. I'm starting to think she likes him. 

Olivia took Max's hands and consoled him "Everything is going to be alright. Although you may be a prick sometimes, you're still our friend. We'll face this together every step of the way." 

Max gave a grim smile. It seemed like he appreciated it but maybe he doesn't want us to discover what he fears. 

The wheels turned and the circus music played in the background. As we entered the cave it went dark. 

I can hear echoes around us and footsteps. Then I heard a shriek.  Help Me...... it said

Leonard and Max froze. Then I heard a whip of what seems to sound like a belt and a shatter of glass.  Hearing those things made me realize why Max was so scared for us to go inside the cave. 

"It's not real." Olivia reassured Max. She put his head on her shoulder. Max tried to hide his look of horror and despair.  Derek and Scarlet are starting to get the hint about Max's past. I mean he always seemed so hidden about it and now we know the reason why. 

Sometimes I thought he was selfish, obnoxious, and a total jerk. But I feel... contempt? Remorse? 

Then a figure of a woman appeared in front of our rollercoaster. She was covered in blood. Her arms  had scars and her body had bruises everywhere. She reached towards Max and looked as if she was going to caress him. Max flinched and moved away. She didn't like that. 

"WHY DIDN"T YOU HELP ME MAX? YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ME!" She screeched. Her form changed from a helpless woman to something more grotesque. She slowly  approached our rollercoaster. I was going to shoot her but my gun wasn't working. Then a voice echoed in the room. 

"You will have to find another rollercoaster that provides these guns. Until then you are in peril. " the voice told us. 

"Son of a!" Leonard shouted, frustrated. 

The woman gives us a evil grin and was lunging towards Max. Olivia grabbed his hand and started running and so did all of us.  While running I can hear voices of a man around us. 

"Max go to your room. Your mother and I will have a talk"  it echoed. 

Poor Max.... I thought. He wanted to help his mother but he couldn't. 

I see an opened door and a glimpse of a rollercoaster at the back of that room. 

"Do not lose hope guys let's keep going!" I encouraged them. We all started running in the room. 

As we were about to head to the rollercoaster a man appeared in front of it.... He had fury in his eyes and wore a belt with horrifying items. A torch, a knife, sowing needle, a syringe, and a shard of glass. 

Max looked at the man and looked defeated. 

"Hi Stepdad." He greets the man. 

The man looked upset. Suddenly a figure of the same woman at our rollercoaster appeared in front of him kneeled down weeping. I realized this wasn't a fight. This was a mind game. 

She looked up at Max and said, "This will be okay honey. Just go to your room." His stepdad looked at him angrily and snarled, "Do you want to take a beating in  her place instead?" 

Max looked conflicted. I can tell he wants to help his mother but he had too much pride to get beat up for the team.  We all cheer around him to be brave. He's slowly kneeling down at his stepdad. His stepdad took the items out and unclasped just the belt. Before kneeling on the ground, he get's back up and grabs Olivia. 

Olivia shrieked in confusion and anguish, "What are you doing?" 

Max says, "We're facing this together aren't we. You're coming with me."  He grips her tightly and throws her down in front of his stepdad. 

I hear a bell and a voice saying , "Sacrifice chosen. Olivia Modsen." 

Scarlet shouted angrily, "You traitor!" 

Olivia had a look of betrayal. She screamed at Max, "I can't believe I ever saw something good in you!" 

The stepdad switches the belt with the syringe. It had a purple substance.  He holds Olivia down. 

Olivia wriggled and cried, "Please stop!" 

He stabbed the syringe into her neck. She shudders and foam was showing up on her mouth. Then her body went limp. 

My heart fell. I couldn't believe it. Our friend is dead. The stepdad looks down a crate in the rooms and took out a mask. One that looked like the mask put on the creepy guy in the actual game. He puts it on Olivia and drags her out of the room. 

"Where are you taking her!" Derek screams.  Olivia was taken out of the room and the doors locked. The only light was shone on the rollercoaster. We went on it and felt empty.

"Look guys I had to do it. It was me or her." Max says, attempting to justify himself. We ignore Max. He broke our promise. The rollercoaster floats in darkness and fog and we lose consciousness.

Hey everyone. Fourscoreami with another chapter of Trapped. If you like this book feel free to give a vote and provide some criticism for my writing. I'm trying to get better. Also curious to hear your thoughts. What fears do you think the other characters have? See any connections between characters? Next chapter will be out in a week. :) Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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