The first level

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Lisa's POV

I felt the wheels turn as the cart moved us towards an eerie looking tunnel. The tunnel was shaped into the head of a clown. It appears as if we are going towards its mouth. In front of each of our seats were a pair of guns. They gave me some relief as we can defend ourselves like in the game. I looked over at Tara next to me. Tara looked like she was about to cry. I felt bad for her, as this is her worst fear.

"We'll get through this. Remember we have each other. " I reassured her.

" Do you think...... what Dr. Hill said might come true. Will we all be stuck here forever if we die in a level?"Tara asked nervously.

Derek overheard our conversation. He says "We won't be stuck here. Which is why we will help each other and fight our way out of this."

I smiled. I'm glad to have a group of friends as them. No matter what situation we're in, we're always there to support each other. I told them." Let's swear to protect each other throughout every challenge. All on three?" Everyone agreed and swore to help each other.

Then we feel the plunge of the drop from the rollercoaster. We feel a hit of fresh air as the rollercoaster took us outside to a creepy forest towards a dark tunnel. Then, the rollercoaster came to a sharp stop.

Max asked, " Why did it come to a stop."

Scarlet says, "We played the game before. It's usually when there's something attacking...." She pauses. "Oh shit."

Leonard looks anxious holding his guns in every direction to whatever may pop out."

Olivia asked, "Then where are these clowns?"

Derek says, " They have to appear soon somehow." nonchalantly. We all heard a rustling sound, in front of us, around us and even above us. A gut told me weirdly to look at Derek. I turn to him, and I saw something I wished I haven't seen.

It was a clown, wearing bright colored clothing, but had its clothes stained with blood. It grinned at me as it slowly put its arm around Derek. Derek froze and was too scared to scream. It attempted to pull Derek out of the roller coaster. I was expecting the seat to hold him but Derek's body lifted off the seat easily. My heart was beating.

Derek yelled, "AHH! It got me!." I quickly used my gun to shoot the clown in the head before it can get him. Derek fell back into his seat hyperventilating.

"What the hell! They weren't able to do that in the game!." Derek shouted. I never knew they were able to do that. Maybe as the game itself had new guests, it evolved.

Oh no... this is bad. That would make it hard to get out of here. Derek gave me a smile of gratitude for rescuing him but there was a hint of fear in his eyes. I held his hand behind me to tell him to stay strong then I quickly let go as I felt strange. Suddenly, I can hear the voice of Dr. Hill echoing in the tunnel.

" Enemies can take you off the rollercoaster and make your friends go through a challenge to rescue them. If you find it difficult to make it out of the level, you can sacrifice one of your friends to easily pass the level." he said.

Everyone shouted amongst each other.

Tara shuddered, "So one of us can get sacrificed for others to pass the level."

Max, the insensitive person he is, responded, "Great, we can lose the deadweight."

Everyone looked at him shocked. Scarlet looked at him and asked, "Can we shoot you to pass this level?" Max started jeering at her and they both started squabbling.

"Guys guys! stop fighting we swore on this remember?" I shouted. They all looked at one another and calmed down. The engine of the rollercoaster turned on and the rollercoaster started moving.

We continued to shoot at many clowns coming our way. We felt confident in our victory, when the rollercoaster came to a stop at a theatre. The screen started playing and a clip of the same psycho was in presence. As we watched the clip Tara made a little shriek.

"What is it?" I asked

She shuddered and pointed upwards. I look up to see clowns floating downwards. One of them looked at Tara.

"Want to play with me?" He asked giving Tara the most sinister smile I have ever seen. He gives a cold chilling laugher. Tara looks frightened but breathes in and out. I can see its axe glinting in the darkness. It was about to swing its axe onto her when...... BAM! The clown laid motionless. Tara started breathing in and out calming herself, but there was a look... she was proud she faced that fear. We used our guns to kill the remaining clowns.

As the rollercoaster progressed, I heard an unpleasant laugh and a voice in my head. "You're a step closer." What the hell... I thought.

I can see the rollercoaster lead to what seems like a arena.... maybe a boss fight? Leonard said, "This is it guys, the last fight in the level."

I can hear the wind howling... we are indoors. I see a fog like substance surrounding us. Then I hear a laugh. It's not one laugh... but many more. I look to my friends, but in their place I see clowns. They all were laughing and taunting me.

"You're friends are not here you know. You're stuck with us. " One of them said in a creepy child-like voice.

I positioned my gun quickly at them and before pulling the trigger I stopped. I shook my head. There is no way this is happening. I think this is a hallucination. I held the hand of the clown right next to me in place of my friends. I ignored its jeers. Suddenly, the clown does the same with the other one sitting in Derek's seat, and then the pattern continued on.

"Lisa? " the clown said. It voice turned into someone's voice I knew. It was Tara's.

"Guys hold everyone' s hand and let's kick some clown ass"

Everyone held each other's hand. Then we saw the clowns, as the fog cleared up. They chuckled creepily and moved toward us. We shot at them as they started charging towards our rollercoaster.

It was going great until I heard a click. Tara kept reloading her gun but it wouldn't shoot. She ran out of bullets. The clowns we shot earlier are dead but there was one more. However, it wanted Tara. It didn't want us. It freed her from the rollercoaster and beckoned her further.

This didn't seem like any type of clown. It was larger than the other ones. And for some reason it freaked her out more than the other ones.

Tara's Pov.

The clown wanted me to come closer.

"You want to kill me don't you" It taunted her. "Come here and kill me then." Its voice went deeper and deeper and suddenly it pulled out..... the head of my father.

'NO! NO! NO!" I screamed. Memories of what happened at the circus came by. The clown who was actually a serial killer and how it killed my father.

The clown was waving the head in my face telling me to walk towards it. Not budging at all it was getting a bit frustrated.

"TRY TO KILL ME TARA" . It suddenly went on all fours and charged at me. I can hear the screams of my friends telling me to shoot it. I then see a gun being thrown by Lisa flying in the air. I quickly catch it and closed my eyes....


The clown laid dead with its mouth in shock.

Lisa's POV

"I did it!" Tara yelled. We all cheered for her.

I said, "You faced your fear! We finished this level!. 6 more to go till freedom."

Everyone was happy, but I knew it was too soon to celebrate when a gas started entering the room and making us feel sleepy.

"I have a plan for you", the voice said.

Hi everyone! It's fourscoreami again with a new chapter. This chapter is a bit long but I wanted to add some character development and detail in this chapter. Feel free to vote and comment who's you favorite character and any criticism about the writing. More chapters will be here soon. Bye!!

TrappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora