Chapter 7

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Part VII

"Those are gorgeous flowers," the brunette nurse said, the badge attached to her pink scrubs read 'Monica'.

"Thank you," I looked at the flowers and picked out an unsavory leaf that I had missed while pruning earlier. The flowers now sat on the counter of the nurses' station so that I could sign for my visitor's pass. I was supposed to be here an hour ago. I knew she wasn't alone and I couldn't bring myself to come here without the flowers. "They're from my home garden."

"Well someone has a green thumb!" Monica admired the flowers

"My wife, "I said proudly. "She takes a lot of pride in the garden."

"You're headed to room 762. Do you know how to get there?"

"Yes, Thank you." I nodded and headed down the linoleum corridor through the double doors, made a right, took the elevator up to the 4th floor, and walked down another corridor. I've walked the halls of the Edna Johnson Memorial Hospital more times than I could count. I have spent days pacing around this hospital during Elizabeth's treatments. I walked alongside her gurney as they transported her from testing area to testing area. I knew which vending machines were the best and which chairs were the most comfortable. I could probably walk these halls in my sleep. For as long as I live, I never need directions around this place.

Her room is the second to last on the left. The large wood door is slightly open. I hear a chorus of voices inside. I take a deep breath steeling myself for what I'm about to see. After all we have been through, it's not an easy thing for me to see someone I love, lying in a hospital bed.

The room was full of flowers and cards. Trevor was the first that noticed me. He stood from his chair and walked over to me.

"Dad!" he grabbed me in a bear hug and shook my shoulders "We were just wondering where you were."

I looked up in to the face of my son and saw for the first in a long time, not the towering bear of a man that he had become, but rather the 10-year-old kid he once was. His face had the same expression it had when he finally learned to ride a bike. I cradled the flowers in my left hand to receive the cigar he handed me.

"Couldn't come see my special girl empty handed," I hoisted the vase of flowers like a trophy. I walked over to the hospital bed and handed them to Macy. I took in her hospital gown, IV and Medical bracelet. My rational mind knows that this is typical attire for someone who just had a baby, but my gut clenched at the sight of her, here in this hospital, in that bed, looking so much like her mother. I know that the tiredness in her face will go away after a good night's sleep. She'll be out of the hospital in a few days but I don't think my gut will uncoil until then.

"They are beautiful, Dad!" said Macy as she inhaled the bouquet. "Are these from the garden?"

"You know they are,"

"I need to make sure that you aren't trying to sneak in any store bought flowers." She wagged a finger at me"Can you put them right here?"

She directed me to put them on the counter closest to her bedside. I moved several other arrangements to make room.

"Where is Ma?" Macy asked

"Do you have her parking the car?" Trevor baited

"Do you think that's how I treat my wife?" I scoffed "She is coming from work. This baby came a lot quickly."

"Says you," Macy huffs

"So how do you feel kiddo?" I tucked a strand of her hair that had fallen loose from her braid.

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