Chapter 3

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It took a few days but I got a lot of our family and friends to come to give Elizabeth her flowers.

Her college roommates, her brothers, our parents, my sister. Many of our church members, and coworkers. They all came out. The house was packed.

She wore a beautiful green dress, that brought out the hazel in her eyes. She wore teardrop earrings and a flower encrusted headband. The pure joy on her face made her an absolute vision.

Everyone who came brought flowers. There were elaborate arrangements and wreaths and single flowers in slender vase.

Her book club members noted how creative and insightful she is. Her parents noted how she has always been a beautiful daughter who was always precocious and headstrong. They made a few jokes about trying to talk her out of marrying me. That garnered a lot of laughs, I didn't think it was funny. He brothers joked about her being a little spitfire who actually beat up a kid that was picking on him. Never mind that she was a girl- and younger than the boy. She was fearless. The Pastor spoke about how faithful Elizabeth has been. The kids spoke about how good of a cook she was, and how all their friends were jealous because their mom played video games.

It was a beautiful night. Although she couldn't drink, she was drunk off of the energy of her loved ones. She was bubbly and giggling and dancing and happy. After all the guests left I moved the smaller floral arrangements to the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed removing her jewelry. I could see that she was tired but she was still live from the party.

"Did you hear what Karen said? She said that I my interpretations are always profound and insightful" she asked and answered before I could respond. "That girl has never given a straight compliment in the 10 years I've known her!"

"Mmm Hmm" I said focusing on the 4 vases in my hand. Trying to set them down without breaking one.

"Oh. tonight was fantastic!" she said dreamily. She walked from the bed the dresser to smell the roses.

"They make the room smell amazing." she said as she sauntered to where I stood " Especially, they hydrangeas."

"So, I did good?" I asked knowing that hydrangeas were her favorite

"Yes." she said as she stroked my cheek and ego. "You did good"

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