First Red Carpet

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You and Jared had been a couple for ages. When Jared was at home promoting a movie or was part of an awards show, he always wanted to take you and show you off to the world, the woman he loved. However this had not happened so far in your relationship as you had work or you were not feeling well and just generally making excuses not to do it. But this time Jared was having none of it he booked a week off work for you and made sure that you was not ill. 

"Babe please I really want you to come with me to the Oscars. Please the last time I was nominated I took my mum and Shannon this time I want to take you. I've even made sure you are not working for the next week" Jared asked as he was sat next to you on the sofa.

"Jared it's the Oscars. I'm just a nobody from England who moved to LA to get out of England. I'm not made up for red carpets Jared and all the famous people who will be there as well, many of whom I admire and look up to. Plus I really don't take good photos and I don't want to ruin that for you" you said as you cuddled up to Jared.

"Y/F/N one you are a not a nobody I love tat you are British and came out here to follow for dreams and I'm happy that I am part of that. As for the other famous people if you meet and tall to them, you be able to say thank them which not many people get to do. You will never ruin having my photo taken, you are what makes the photos so much more better and your natural beauty shines through every time. I love you for you and don't ever doubt that"

After hearing Jared say that about you and opening up to you like that you could not say no to him. so you told him that you would go with him but that you needed a dress and a whole new outfit. Jared being Jared had already got you a dress and that you did not need to worry about anything as he had got everything sorted. 

A few weeks later:

The day of the Oscars and arrived and you were a nervous wreck to say the least. You had not slept at all during the night just thinking to yourself how you were going to let Jared down. Even Jared had tried to calm you down but nothing was working. The only thing that Jared could think of was to phone Shannon and his mum to come and talk to you. Jared did not want you to know that that he was worrying about you so he called them when you were in the shower.

You had finished having your shower when you heard voices down stairs that you that you thought were Shannon and Constance voices. So you wen to see if it was them and you was right.

"Hey what are you two doing here not that I have anything against it by the way" you said to Shannon and Constance.

"Y/N I am here to help get you ready and Shannon is here to help get Jared ready" Constance told you.

With that Constance took you and did your hair and makeup and you have to say that she did a really good job and you looked stunning. It was now time to put on the dress. It was a stunning red Gucci floor length gown with a little train that had been custom designed for you tonight. 

"Thank you so much for helping me get ready. I look beautiful for once in my life" you said to Constance as you hugged her.

"You are more than welcome Y/N you know I see you as a daughter so it is only right that I help you out. As for looking beautiful, you always do you are a natural beauty it is just highlighted for tonight"

You and Constance took a few photos upon her request which you had no problem saying no to. When you were finished getting ready you went downstairs and waited for Jared to join you as the limo would be here soon. 

"Jared , I need to say something to you and you don't have to agree or not, but as a mother I feel I have to. If you win tonight give a speech like you did when you won the first time and thank Y/N like you thanked me and Shannon, she deserves it and she needs to know how  much you love her"

"Thanks mum. I will don't worry and thanks for everything tonight"

Time Skip:

You and Jared had arrived at the Oscars. You were so nervous that you was shaking. Jared just took you hand and guided you out of the limo and on to the read carpet.

"Don't worry and just follow me" Jared whispered in you ear.

With that you and Jared walked down the red carpet at times you letting Jared have solo photos taken and doing the odd interview. You could not help but smile when you saw this as you loved how passionate he was about is work.

You was now inside the theatre and had taken your seats. The ceremony had been going on a while when it came to the category that Jared was nominated in: Best documentary. He was nominated for Into The Wild. The presenter and listed all of the nominees and it came to the winner. You and Jared could not believe it that Jared had won. You jumped out of your seat and kissed Jared on the lips, then allowing him to make his speech.

"Wow I was not expecting this. First of all I want to thank my fellow 30 Seconds To Mas band members Shannon and Tomo, we have been through an amazing journey and I am so glad that I am still able to share it with you. Next I would like to thank my mother who always deserves to be thanked because she is the person who reminds me to follow my dreams. Lastly I would like to thank my amazing partner Y/N who has been through thick and thin with me. Who has been my rock when days have been hard and told me it is going to be OK you will get through this. She is the person who keeps me going even when I don't want to because I see how hard she works every day saving people's life's putting their life and emotions before her own. Y/N I love you to the end of the earth and thank you for opening my eyes and making me a better person"

As Jared made his speech you had tears streaming down your face at the sheer beauty of his speech. Some of the things that Jared had said made you cry harder because you did not realise that he though those things  about you and that touched your heart.  After Jared making that speech, you knew you was going to spend the rest of your life with Jared.


Sorry about the delay guys I have been busy with uni. I also have to think of ideas which I am running out of. So leave me a message if you wanna request something to keep me going and I will try my best to get them done ASAP.

Jamie xxx

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