Family bonds

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Requested by Tylerl_Hoechlin87 . Sorry it is late. Hope you like it. 

Jared, Shannon and Tomo had always been close. But they got even closer when Jared had a daughter 16 years ago called Y/N. However when Y/N's mum walked out on her and Jared, Shannon and Tomo moved in to helped as much as they could with their niece.

As Jared was either touring or making films, he always took you every where and you loved it. Being enriched with different cultures from such a young age had made you have a different view point on life for someone of your age.

Your mum over the years had made several attempts to contact you, Jared however had never told you about this as he did not want to dig up old wounds.

All of the boys had a break from touring and they were back home just relaxing and having family fun time when Y/N asked a question

"Dad why do you never speak to me about my mum or tell me about her, it's just that there are somethings I wish I could talk to her about and not you guys, you know?" you asked.

Jared did not know what to say as he knew that this topic of discussion would come up sooner or later. Jared did not really wanna talk about it, so he just walked off to the lab followed closely by Shannon. Tomo just stayed with Y/N to make sure she was ok.

"Uncle Tomo, why does Dad not want to speak about my mum?" you asked.

"Darling it is a sensitive subject for him to talk about. He will tell you about it in time"

Meanwhile in the lab:

"Jared, are you ok mate?" Shannon asked.

"I'm ok. I knew this day was going to come soon. I just was not expecting it that's all. I really should tell her the story and maybe she won't hate me. Do you and Tomo mind going out  for a couple of hours while I tell her the story and come back with movies and a load of junk food. I have a feeling it's going to be one of  those days" Jared asked Shannon as they made their may back to the house.

With that Tomo and Shannon went into town little did Jared know but they had their own plan to help Jared. 

"Dad, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I understand if it brings up things you would rather forget. I should have see the signs really no photos of her around and as long as I've known you have not had a girlfriend"

"Look Sweetie. It is about time I told you about your mum. You are of an age know where you would understand. I met your mum backstage at a concert, about a year before you were born. I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. We started seeing each other not long after that. We had the best few months together I fell more and more in love with her every time I saw her. Then a few months down the line she told me that she was pregnant. It was a shock but I could not be happier. In time you were born and I was the happiest person on earth. I thought that your mum and I was in a really good place. It was a couple of years later when the band was going to release The Kill from our second album, that i was going to ask your mum to marry me so that us three could be a proper family. But that never happened as one day she just waked out giving me no explanation as to why she left. So from then on it was just me, Shannon, Tomo and you. When she left I made the decision that I was going to be the best dad that I could to you, as I never had a dad" as Jared finished this he had tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall. 

"Dad, look I'm happy you told me about what happened. Look if she treated you like that I don't want to know about her. I don't even want to know her name. Also dad I'm 16 now you have to stop treating me like I'm a baby"

"I know sweetie, I just don't want you getting hurt that's all"

With that being said Jared and Y/N just sat on the sofa hugging each other in silence, until they heard Shannon and Tomo come back.

"Y/N I need to to wear this blindfold and come with us" Tomo said.

With that you did what Tomo had said and walked out to the front of the house with them. When you got outside and took the blindfold off you could not believe your eyes there was a car in the drive way.

"OMG, why have I got a car guys this is way too much?" you asked running up to Shannon and Tomo.

"Well we thought it was bout time that you had a little bit of freedom and we knew that Jared would not mind" Shannon said.

2 weeks later:

After the heart to heart that you and your dad had. You asked if you could spend a few weeks with Constance. Which Jared had agreed to as he thought you should spend some time with you nan and have some bonding time with her. Little did Y/N know that during her time away, Jared had started to date again. He was having a pizza and movie evening with his date when he heard the door bell go.

"Dad I'm back. God I've missed you loads. Now I need male company as much as I love my nan, I love you guys as well"

"Hey baby, I have someone I want you to meet. Y/N this is Zoe, Zoe this is my daughter Y/N" Jared said.

You went over to Zoe and hugged her to welcome her to the family. As you were taking your bags up the stairs you shouted:

"Welcome to the family Zoe I hope you like living with three blokes, and I hope you don't mind keeping the place tidy with me. Oh and dad Zoe is a keeper so  don't be a dick and treat her well"

Jared just laughed that off, not knowing that was your seal of approval for Zoe. 


Hope you like it. I will try to update as soon as I can guys. Also request if you want to.

Jamie xxx      

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