Prank Payback

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Requested by Puggz1993. Hope you enjoy it, Sorry for the wait.

Y/N is always putting up with Jared, Shannon and Tomo pranking her Once in a blue moon at home or when the guys are on tour. The latest lot of pranks come when the guys have a break from touring just before the go to Camp Mars. Everyone who knows Y/N knows that you do not get up early at all and you are not to be woken up as it will result in them being on your bad side for most of that day. 

The first prank comes the first morning you are home after the latest leg of the tour. Everyone especially Shannon still had all the energy from last nights show, this means that he was up early. Shannon like you, likes a lie in when he does not have to be up. Shannon sunk into Y/N room with an air horn walked up to where her head was and blasted the air horn right in her ear. To say Y/N was not happy would be an understatement she jumped out of bed running after Shannon through the house, when she finally caught up with him she shouted

"What the fuck Shannon, I'm gunna kill ya". You proceeded to jump on Shannon's back just to piss him off. Shannon knew that you were going to be pissed off with him for the rest of the day, So he had Jared film the whole thing and put it up on snapchat and Instagram. Both Shannon and Jared knew that Y/N was gunna go back to sleep until she woke up, so she would not see the videos for a while.

It was a few hours later when Y/N woke up and the whole house just heard

"SHANNON CHRISTOPHER LETO AND JARED JOSEPH LETO. You better be running right now because either of you are not gunna live till the end of the day after what I've seen". Both Shannon and Jared just stood their laughing.

The next pank was played by Tomo. He gave Y/N a couple of weeks to recover from Shannon's prank. Y/N and Jared was going on a hiking weekend to get away from life as they both needed a break. Tomo thought that this was a great time to play a prank on Y/N as the anger she had built up would help her keep up and beat Jared this weekend, as she has always wanted to do. Tomo got some powder and put it in Y/N's hair dryer knowing that she would want to wash her hair before she went away.

Later that day Y/N went to get ready for the weekend that included washing her hair. It was about an hour later when Jared, Shannon, Tomo, Vikki and Constance hear a scream from upstairs. Upon hearing this they all ran to Y/N's room and just saw white powder all over the room, then Y/N came out with white powder in her hair and face. The boys just started laughing and the two girls rushed over to Y/N to help you out .

"Who the hell did this?" Y/N asked.

No one answered and Y/N just saw Tomo smiling to himself.

"Tomo what the hell, I'm going to kill you"

"Yeah you wont Y/N because you love me"

"Your right I do love you but your a dick. Why though Tomo I mean Shannon woke me up with that bloody air horn a couple of weeks ago?" You asked Tomo.

" You have been so stressed since we came back from tour, I thought  would do some thing to make you less stressed"

"You could have made me a cake Tomo, but I see the funny side of it now, ad of course I still love you".

Y/N had not had a prank played on her in a couple of months so she thought that the boys had got it out of their system. Boy how wrong you were.

Jared knew that you did not like anything scary or that made you jump because he had spent many nights looking after you after a horror movie. It was nearly Halloween and Jared thought it would be a good idea to start to prepare  Y/N for the holiday. Jared had brought a Freddie Krueger mask. Y/N had to go back to work while the boys where on their tour break then she would go back on tour with them when they went back on the road. 

Jared had been waiting all day for Y/N to get home from work. When he heard the key in the door, he jumped up and put on the mask and hid. Y/N walked through the door and called out for Jared. you started to make your way up stairs when, Jared jumped out on you, when you saw him you let a scream that your family could properly hear 4000 miles away. After that you had made your mind up you were going to get the boys back with help from Constance.

First of all you where going to prank Shannon. He had just finished rehearsing with Jared and Tomo for the up coming leg of the tour. Shannon was in the shower cooling down, when you went in with a bucket of ice cold water on him. You ran out as fast as you could as you knew Shannon could run fast, But lucky for you he kept on slipping all over the bathroom floor. Shannon shouted:

"I'm gunna get you back for that"

Y/N knew that Tomo hated bats, so she went to the shop and brought a plastic bat and some dental floss. when she got back, Y/N tied the floss to the bat and with the help of Vikki, you put the bat in the sun visor of Tomo's car so when he pulled it down the bat would come with it. Tomo and Vikki left to go back home. 30 minutes later Y/N got a text from Tomo:

"I knew it was you Y/N and you know I cant stand bats, if this is pay back then fair enough but all I did was put flour in your hairdryer. Any way it was funny and I still love you"

Y/N saved Jared's prank for last as it was the funniest. Jared had been working hard rehearsing for the next leg of the tour and writing new songs for the next album and fell asleep on the sofa. You went to get the whipped cream out of the fridge, put some on his hand waiting for him to touch his face so that the cream would go over it. You took a picture and put it on snapchat with the caption:

"Pay back is a bitch".

Lets just say Jared was not best pleased and it ended up with a food fight. 

You filled in Constance and Vikki on how the pranks went on the boys. Constance and Vikki came up with an amazing idea, while the boys where in the music room and Constance and Vikki helping you with the vegetables for dinner. Constance asks you:

"Are you ready?" To which you reply


Making sure that the girls where ready before they called the boys down for lunch. When they were ready, Constance called them and they all ran in ready to eat as three hungry teenage boys. It all starts out smoothly having typical day to day conversation about how everyone's day was and what the boys had been up to. They of course say how good the food is and say that you have to cook this more often. When the boys were not looking Constance and Vikki look at Y/N telling her that they are ready. 

"So Y/N how is college going I know you are really busy at the moment?" Jared asked.

"Well it's good..." 

At this point you go into a fake seizure she starts to shake really bad and foam starts coming out of Y/N's mouth. The boys look at you panicked not knowing what to do. When you fall to the floor everyone rushes around you. When Jared goes to phone the ambulance, you sit up and start laughing along with the girls  as they knew what was going on. You then say:

"Don't mess with me again and payback is a bitch".


Sorry this took so long guys but here it is. Hope you enjoy.

Remember send in requests or ideas.

Jamie xxx

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