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PRIVATE SCHOOL. What do you think of when you hear those two words? You probably think of stuck up rich kids who always has a attitude to everyone, and they think they're all Hollywood and shit. You might also think of kids who has been brainwashed by the fabrications that their guardians and their teachers tell them about the public world.

    If you thought about to like that, then you're hugely mistaken. Shit, even low class kids even go to private school. Private school is literally a normal school system, except everyone has to wear uniform everyday or else a conduct referral can take place, and it could ruin your school record also.

    My mom said that private school has a good and bad commodities. The good commodity is the education, which she claimed to be the best education to ever receive in a academical doctrine, and if you want to become a lawyer, doctor, or become famous, private school is where you begin.

But the bad commodity is that you can easily get in trouble for no reason and sometimes get treated unfairly by the teacher and principal, but of course, you can't defend yourself, because both of them will get offended so easily.

Now, the things that I just explained were about private school. The next thing I'm gonna discuss with you is private catholic school.

Private school, yes, they have strict rules, but if it's a private catholic school, you kind of have no type of freedom at all except before and after school.

You can't talk in class. One peep, and you're sent to principals office immediately, and you sit in there waiting for the date of when your suspension starts and when it ends.

Another thing is the division between the boys and girls. In some catholic schools, boys and girls have classes together, but in St. Vitus, it's completely divergent. The only period where the boys and girls have class together is in and only in lunch.

     But the only thing I actually like about school is basketball, and only basketball of course. I was one of the most popular guys in school, mostly because of the basketball team that our school had, and we won every game in every competition.

    The most popular I think though, was Johnny and Rob. Not because of their pro basketball skills, it's mostly because of their looks, which had all the girls falling on their knees for them.

    Most girls had a thing for me, too, but I rued every single one because I'm not gonna be the one who ends up being a baby father at the age of 17.

    I was part of the underrated ones in the team, which included me, Corey, Christian, Malcom, Kadeem, Ralph, and Bumper, But they weren't my only friends, though.

    I had a girl friend. No, I don't mean it in a romantic way. My 'girl' friend was Taylor, and we always hung out with each other in my apartment, since we both lived in the same building.

    Every time when my mom went to work late at night, she would walk down at the fire escape to my window where my bedroom was, and we would just stay up all night and just talk, watch tv and eat some junk fat shit until the sun rose.

    Taylor lived with her uncle, who never gave a shit about her and what she does, and she has a dysfunctional relationship with him. One time, things gotten so out of hand that she stabbed him in his right arm one time, and she later got arrested. The school heard about it too and she got suspended for a whole week.

    Taylor was also friends with a girl named Jordan, who also liked basketball, but she was also a softball player and participated in gymnastics. She's really short though, so at times when she wants to join something, she'll get rejected easily.

    Jordan, from what I heard from Taylor, doesn't like me at all. Probably because of Taylor hanging out with me more than she does with Jordan. Every time when I see Taylor with Jordan, she rolls her eyes or smacks her lips in a annoyed way.

    Besides, we rarely see Jordan because she's always with Laurence, one of St. Vitus's cheerleaders. Oh, I forgot to mention that she's a lesbian.

    Laurence, to be blunt, is the only cheerleader in the school that has some sense of kindness. The rest has some stuck up and bitchy attitudes just because they're cheerleaders.

    But anyway, her relationship with Jordan is kept as a secret, because the cheerleaders doesn't like Jordan because of her sexuality, and if they find out that she's dating Jordan, it'll be the end of her cheerleading career.

And the person who will ruin her career if their relationship gets revealed, is Ashleigh. Also known as the biggest whore in St. Vitus's history. She's the head cheerleader of the cheerleading team, and always has time to flirt with the boys in the football team and some of the boys in the basketball team.

She screwed at least 4 guys from the football team and track team, and is yet to screw one of the boys in the basketball team. She did try to screw Ralph, but then she distanced herself from him when she realized he actually wanted a real relationship, not being sex buddies.

She doesn't like Taylor or Jordan, of course and she acts real phony to Laurence at some times.

She never liked me either except for Rob, Bumper, Johnny, Corey and Christian. She only viewed them as 'friends', but they viewed her as a nasty attention seeking bitch.

But that's how life goes down at St. Vitus, and nothing has basically changed around here, which is kind of sad and great at the same time.

an: hiiiii this is my first book on wattpad and I would appreciate the reads, votes and comments 😄.

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