Chapter 3

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Katie's POV
I know I should be more friendly with Luke, after all we are married and I don't want to ruin Bo's day. I feel like all he does is tour and I have kinda grown to resent him. With him being away so much, I kinda moved on with my life, I have my tennis which I love and my friends are awesome. I have never been unfaithful to Luke I wouldn't do that, but I kinda think he has. He always on his phone and he smiles when it goes off. I don't see him smiling like that with me anymore, and I am as much to blame.
"Mama" Tate called
"Yes honey" I replied
"Have daddy and you falling out" he asked
"No darlin we just tired that's all. Now go and find Caydence and ask her to come and help with dinner" I said
I can't believe I just lied to my son. Yes we are falling out, falling out of love. I am going to work so hard to try and have no issues he is here for 2 weeks and that will be the most I have seen him in years.
I started to make dinner for us all. Caydence helped me inside with the vegetables and salads and I looked out and saw Luke fire up the girl and he was messing around with the boys. They miss him to but they go on the road with him all the time. I saw him pull out his phone and there was that smile 🙁

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