Chapter 31

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After a long talk with Katie she told me exactly how she felt and honestly I felt like the worst person in the world. She had been keeping all this inside for the sake of me, I'm a complete ass. I picked up the phone and dialled Anna.
She answered all upbeat
A- Oh hey Luke
L- hi
A- what's up
L- Anna, Katie and I had a long chat and I want her to be involved in everything that is happening
A - but Luke this is our baby not hers
L- Anna, don't fuckin' start ok. Either Katie is part of this or neither of us are.
A- I'm sorry ok. Fine she can be a part of it, but can I see you alone tomorrow,
L- no you can't, anything you need to say can be said can be said with all of us, Brett included. When is he back from tour?
A- Friday. I just wanted to see you that's all. I miss you Luke
L- stop saying shit like that. You and me are in the past and if you weren't having my baby I would have nothing to do with you. In fact I'm gonna speak to my legal team and get some sort of documentation drawn up, paternal rights etc.
A - Fuck you Luke
And with that she hung up the phone.
"I heard everything baby" Katie said
"It's the best way, but her reaction when I mentioned the legal team kinda pissed her off, which was kinda weird like she is hiding something"
"Yeah the fact she still loves you" she said pissed
Did Anna still love me?? Even if she did I love Katie.

Maid in Tennessee part 2 (trouble in paradise)Where stories live. Discover now