§ Chapter 1 §

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I know James and Aleks aren't in the Creatures anymore, but in this story, as well as many others, they still are because I like writing them with the Creatures. This is also based on back when Ze was there. PS. This is my first book that I'll be writing in the character's point of view, so I hope you like it. I know I've thrown three books out within a short period of time, but I want a wide variety so if I'm not feeling up for writing on a specific book, I can just write on one of my other ones. There may also be a Spider-Man AU where Aleks is le spooderman and James is Mary Jane/Gwen. Idk if any of you have seen the Creature Talk about Aleks being Spider-Man, but it's based on that. This book was inspired by BlueLovesStuff 's book called Glass Guardians and I highly suggest you read it because it is one of the most amazing books I've ever read.

James p.o.v

I sit in my office, editing a video for my YouTube channel, lost in thought. It's been four years and the council has yet to assign me a human. I've been trying to contact them about it, but every time I do they say that they haven't found one that matches my personality that's in need of help. How hard is it to find a guy who likes video games that's in a tough spot? I know it's probably a little more complicated than that, but seriously? It's been four fucking years and you'd think someone out there would be a halfway decent match for me.
       A knock on the door rings through my ears, breaking me from my thoughts. "Come in!" I shout, hearing the door creak open. "Hey James, we're about to head out to see X-Men. You ready?" Aleks says. "Yeah, I was just wasting time waiting on you guys." I explain, getting out of my chair and heading outside to the car with Aleks by my side.
       We hop in the backseat with Jordan and Dan in the front, Eddie, Seamus, and Steven in the other car. Dan pulls out the camera and starts the recording. "So Jordan, are you ready for the movie?" Dan asks, pointing the camera at Hordan's face. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited. How about you, boys?" Jordan asks us, Dan turning the camera towards the backseat. Aleks looks up from his phone, obviously not paying attention. "What?" He asks. "You two excited for the movie?" Jordan repeats, looking back at us for a brief moment before turning back to the road. "I don't know about Aleks, but I'm pretty excited to see this movie." I say, adding a weird tone to my voice. "I wanna go home. They dragged me here against my will." Aleks comments, staring at the camera with an unamused expression on his face. I laugh and look over at him with a bright smile. He looks over at me, but quickly redirects his attention to the window. I feel a sharp pain run through my head at the action, but it goes away after a few seconds. Weird. I brush it off and continue to goof off with the guys, earning quick glances from Aleks every once in a while.

       After a while, we arrive at the theatre, meeting up with the rest if he guys in the lobby. We all laugh and joke around as we make our way into the movie, popcorn and soda in hand. We take our seats in the very middle of the theatre and patiently wait for the movie to start.
I take the seat between Aleks and Seamus, relaxing in the comfortable chair. As we watch the previews, I look over at Aleks and see him still fiddling with his cellphone. I look down at my popcorn and smirk, grabbing a piece and throwing at him. He looks up from his phone and sends me a death glare. I let out a laugh, which makes his gaze soften. Aleks seems a little off... He usually flips me off or cusses me out when I fuck with him. I grab a handful of popcorn and throw it at him again, earning a playful eye roll. Aleks grabs some of the debris and throws it back, hitting me in the face. "Ah, you fuck." I curse, grabbing another handful and throwing it his way. We immediately break out into a popcorn fight, some of the guys deciding to join in.

Midway through the movie, I see Aleks staring at me through the corner of my eye. I look over at him and make a face, earning a laugh and a small smile before turning away. The sharp pain returns, only this time intensified. I cringe and close my eyes, rubbing my temples. Aleks notices and looks over at me with furrowed brows. "You okay?" He asks worriedly. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I'll be right back." I say as I get up and make my way to the bathrooms. I stumble into the men's restroom, turning the tap on and splashing my face with cold water. I look up at the mirror and gasp as I see a completely different person staring back. "Mr. Wilson. You are needed in the Council Hall." The person in the mirror states.
Without warning, I feel myself being pulled into the mirror. When I'm all the way through the mirror, I find myself standing before the Council of Angels, my wings spread proudly behind my back. "James Wilson." The head of council states. I kneel down on one knee and bow. "Yes, sir?" I ask, unaware as to why they would call me here under such short notice. "We have assigned you your human."

It's short, but I wanted to leave it at a cliffhanger :3

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