§ Chapter 3 §

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James p.o.v

       Eventually, time comes for Creature Talk to start, so Aleks and I head there. Aleks stays glued to my side, taking the seat next to me and scooting over as close as possible. "Alright, you guys ready?" Jordan asks the group. We all nod, our microphones at the ready. Jordan starts the stream and signals the beginning of the preshow. "Welcome everyone to Creature Talk!" Jordan announces, the chat beginning to fill up. "So guys, got any topics for us?" Dan asks the chat. Different themes and questions fill up the screen until Eddie finds one that he liked. "Alright, so this person asked why James and Aleks are so close to each other." He points out, looking over at us. "Well, you see Sly, James is now my personal bodyguard." Aleks jokes, turning to look at me. In a way, I guess that's kinda true... My job is to keep him safe, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. "Yeah and if you don't start paying me, I'm gonna start slacking off and you're gonna get your stupid ass killed." I say with a laugh. The guys begin to talk about how well I would fare as a bodyguard which somehow led to my dressing pop business idea and so on and so forth.
       After almost two hours, we end the livestream, packing up to head home. "See you guys tomorrow!" Jordan chirps, leaving the office alongside Dan and Steven. Eddie and Seamus leave soon after, leaving me and Aleks. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Aleks." I say, giving him a comforting hug. He hugs back with a tight squeeze before leaving the office. I follow suit, making my way towards the car. I watch as Aleks' car leaves the parking lot, smiling to myself. I start up the car and drive up to my house, still trying to process today's events.


         Eddie managed to convince everyone to go out for breakfast together for some extra video footage, so now we're all sitting in a booth at a Waffle House. I sit in between Aleks and Sly with Seamus sitting at the far end while Dan, Jordan, and Ze sit on the other side of the table. Dan holds the camera up to us, the recording light blinking. "So, what are you guys gonna get?" Steven asks the group. "Steven, we're at a fucking Waffle House. What do you think we're gonna get?" I comment playfully. "Well, there's french toast here too!" He defends. "Shit dude, really?!" Aleks asks, frantically looking through the menu. We all laugh as the waiter walks up with a notepad. "Hello gentlemen, what drinks can I get for you today?" The man asks, his eyes glued to me for some reason. I brush it off and look over to the guys, waiting for my turn to order a drink.
Once the waiter comes back with our drinks, we order our food, his eyes never leaving me. Why the fuck does this creep keep staring at me like that? He can't be a demon because his eyes aren't red and I don't think he's an Angel Hunter since they're usually too busy trying to catch us. Could he be a fan? That wouldn't explain why he's only staring at me, but it's better than assuming he's trying to kill me...

We finish up our food and split up the pay, putting all the money in the middle of the table. "Hey James, you should go hand out waiter the money." Jordan says, pointing at thumb at the creepy waiter. "What the fuck? Why? He'll just come over here and get it himself!" I exclaim. "Yeah, but did you see the way that guy looked at you?! I bet he likes you!" He adds. "No, he's probably just a fan or some shit." I argue. "All the more reason to go talk to him!" Dan comments. I let out a hateful growl before snatching the money up from the table, stomping over to our waiter.
"Hey, here's the money for our meal. My friends told me to come give it to you." I say, grumpily holding out the money. He looks over at me and smiles, grabbing the money out of my hands. "Which one is it?" He asks cockily. I furrow my brows at the sudden question, confused. "Your human. Which one is it?" The waiter asks, making my whole body grow pale. He is a fucking Angel Hunter...
"And what makes you think I'd want to tell someone like you." I hiss through gritted teeth. "I hunt Angels not humans. I have no use for your petty human." The waiter states, crossing his arms. "You call him petty again and I'll tell your manager that you're being an dick and get your ass fired." I threaten, my eyes glowing a brilliant blue from anger. "You think I care if I get fired? I could make more money off of that pretty little halo then I could make here in an entire year, maybe more judging from the design." He snickers, reaching up to my halo. I smack his hand away and snarl. "You have no right to touch that, asshole." I spit, stepping back a little so it's out of his reach. "For an innocent Angel, you cuss like a sailor. You kiss your human with that mouth?" The waiter teases, tipping me over the edge. I pull my hand back and slap him across the face with a loud smack. All eyes turn to us as my blood begins to boil. "Fuck you." I growl menacingly before stomping back over to the guys. "J-James! What happened over there?!" Eddie stutters, dumbstruck. "Come on, lets get out of here."

Damn dude, that got kinda heated near the end there lol. Anywho, I'm here to just let you know that you need to remember that James' halo has a design on it because that's gonna be really important when the time comes. I'm just gonna go ahead and warn you guys right now, I am going to throw in a pretty fucked up plot twist at the end, so be prepared for that 😘

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