§ Chapter 2 §

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James p.o.v

       "W-What," I stutter out, "Who is it?!" The council exchanges eye contact before digging through some papers on their desks. "Aleksandr Vitalyevich Tchernev-Marchant. We're sure that name sounds pretty familiar to you." My face pales at the name. Something's wrong with Aleks? What could be wrong with him that he would need a Guardian Angel? "What's wrong with him?" I ask, worry beginning to settle at the pit of my stomach. "That's for us to know, and you to find out." The council replies, my vision beginning to fade. "Wait!" I exclaim, but my plea falls on deaf ears as I find myself standing in front of the sink in the men's restroom.
I groan and punch the wall, irritated. They could've at least gave me a hint... assholes. I let out a sigh and splash my face with some water, cooling myself down. "James?" A voice calls. I turn to see Ze standing at the entrance to the bathroom. "Yeah?" I ask, turning the tap off. "You okay, bud? You were in here for the entire movie." He states with slight worry. "I-I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment." He gives me an unsure look before leading me out the bathroom to wear the guys are. Aleks is the first one to see us approaching and points me out to the group. The guys all watch as we near them, worried expressions on their faces. "What took you so long?" "You feeling okay, James?" "Why did you stay in the bathroom?" Their voices say, blending together in a mix of confusion. I shrug them all off and look over at Aleks with soft eyes. "Don't worry, I'm okay." I breath out with a small smile. "Whatever you say." Seamus states, not wanting to pry. The guys get the idea and stop asking questions, following Seamus's approach to the situation. I give Sea a thankful look, earning a thumbs up in return.
As we make our way to the cars, I can't help but to stare at Aleks. It may not show, but somewhere in his mind, he's hurting... My best friend is in pain, and I have no idea how I'm going to help him. I was never briefed on how I'm supposed to go about helping him. Do I show him what I am or do I keep it secret? Will he even listen to me? What if I try to help and he just pushes me away? Will I have to show him what I am in order to get him to listen? What am I supposed to do?
"James!" Jordan shouts, knocking me out of my thoughts. I jump a little and look around, realizing that I had stopped walking. "You've been acting really weird ever since you got up to use the bathroom. What's on your mind?" Dan asks. I just shake my head and get in the car, ignoring his question.

We get to the office and everyone retreats to their rooms to record and edit. I sit in my chair, debating what I should do with Aleks when I hear a knock on my door. "It's unlocked." I state as I turn around in my computer chair to face the door. The door slowly opens to reveal an anxious Aleks. He walks in the room and shuts the door behind him, locking it. He then turns to me and leans up against the door, his arms firmly crossed. "Are you okay, James?" He asks worriedly.
I bite my tongue before looking into his eyes. "I'm fine. Are you okay?" I reply. His eyes widen a little at the sudden remark. "W-What?" He questions with his brows furrowed in confusion. "You've been acting... off. You aren't your usual self." I explain, standing up from my chair to be eye level with Aleks. His breath catches in his throat, but he quickly recovers. "Of course I'm okay. I don't have a reason not to b-" "Bullshit." Aleks' mouth hangs open in surprise at my sudden outburst. "Do you really think your best friend isn't gonna realize that you've got something on your mind?" I point out, earning a sudden pang of something unknown lurch in my chest. This must be what Aleks is feeling right now... What did I say to make him feel so... awful? "Look. James. I'm flattered that you care so much about me, but this has nothing to do with you." Aleks sighs, letting his eyes close. "It has everything to do with me! It's my job as your g- as your friend to make sure that you're happy." I say, almost slipping up. I feel another wave of discomfort in my chest, making me feel slightly nauseous.
Aleks grits his teeth and begins to walk towards me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. My mouth opens to say something, but I quickly shut it and return the hug. We stand there for a moment in a comfortable silence, only for it to be broken by a small sniff. "I wish I could tell you. I really do, but I just... I just can't. At least not right now." Aleks' says with a trembling voice. My heart breaks at the sound, my chin resting atop his head. "It's okay. Take your time. No one's rushing you. I just want you to be happy." I explain, rubbing circles into his back. He buries his head into my chest, silently sobbing into my shirt. Whatever is wrong with Aleks needs to be fixed as soon as possible because I don't know how long I'll be able to see him like this...

Hi guys ❤️ I have some stuff to explain about this book because once I continue, you guys are gonna be pretty confused. So, there will be Demons in the book. Demons can sense when a Guardian's human is sad, and they do everything in their power to make them feel worse. When Guardians walk around in public, they know when another Guardian Angel is around because every Angel has a halo that hangs above their heads (Demons and Hunters can also see the halos). Guardians can tell when someone is a Demon because all Demons have glowing red eyes (contacts can't hide them but sunglasses can). There are also people called Angel Hunters. These are people who had Guardian Angels, but they denied them and killed them. Hunters kill and kidnap Angels and use them as trophies.

PS. If you want to get a better feel on what's going on with James at the end of this chapter, read the description 😘

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