The Aftermath of the Blood Moon Ball

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The scene would forever play over and over again in star's mind that night. How the light had hit the two of them just right, how his milk chocolate eyes met her gaze with a sparkle just barely visible. She couldn't stop going back and forth from being angry at him for not trusting her to the way he kept with the rhythm of the music and the way it almost felt like their hearts were in sync with each other. But no matter these little thoughts, one thing was for sure. Marco was her best friend. It doesn't matter how mesmerized she was by his warm, charming smile. It did not matter that his hand fit into hers like a puzzle piece. He was her friend and only her friend.

Yet despite how much she convinced herself of this, her thoughts couldn't stop wandering to what the demon had said over the loud speaker....

"When the light of the blood moon rubbles down and selects two lucky souls, their souls shall be bound to each other for eternity." He said with such seriousness in his voice, it almost reminded her of her Algebra teacher that she had accidentally turned into a troll. She gently got up from the soft, welcoming bed and began pacing the room, thinking of all the possibilities as to why the light had landed on them out of everyone else at the dance.

"Maybe it meant to hit someone else but we accidentally ended up in the way... Maybe it didn't hit us and it was just my imagination... Or maybe..." At this final maybe, her eyes widened to about the size of saucers as she let out a gasp as she began to shake her head. "Oh no no no no no!! That can't be right!" She exclaimed and started pacing faster in a more frustrated fashion.

Out of no where, she suddenly had an idea. "Who better to ask than Glossaryck!" She quickly grabbed her book of spells and began flipping through pages, looking for the tiny man.

Suddenly, Glossaryck rised from the pages and lets out a yawn before he looked at Star irritably. "It's One o'clock in the morning for crying out loud! What could you possibly want?" He grumbled angrily as he rubbed the dark circles under his eyes.

"I need some information about the blood moon ball.." Star muttered softly, shrinking back slightly at his tone of voice.

He looked at her quizzically for a moment and sighed. "I better be getting a life time supply of pudding cups for this... What do you wish to know?" He asked.

"Okay so has there ever been such thing as the light of the blood moon making mistakes when it comes to choosing two souls?" She asked, hoping for an actual answer and not some stupid riddle like he usually gives her.

Glossaryck raised an eyebrow "I don't think so.... Why do you ask? Did the light hit you and tom or something?"

"Something like that... Except it hit me and Marco.." She looked down, softly fidgeting with the wand in her hand.

Glossaryck's eyes widen in shock but then became incredibly confused. "Marco? How was Marco at the ball? I thought Tom only invited you?"

Star let out a sigh at this reaction, she knew she was going to have to explain at some point but even she didn't exactly know the answer "He wasn't, he was just worried that tom was going to hurt me so he wine anyway...." she grumbled, a hint of blush started growing rapidly acrossed  her cheeks.

"I don't get why you're upset, I thought you liked Marco. Did something change between you two?" He suddenly sat on the edge of the spell book and got comfy because he had a feeling that the drama train was about to leave the station.

She let out a strained laugh "Ha! Me? Like Marco? Don't make me laugh..." She said even though her eyes told a different story.

Glossaryck suddenly got up and pulled out Star's book of secrets and began  flipping. "Oh really now? Then what is this then?" He asked before he finally found the page he was looking for and began reading loudly.

Star quickly covered his mouth in a quick attempt to get him to shut up. "Fine... But I'm his best friend! Not only that, but he likes Jackie for crying out loud!" She exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

"Does he? Because I don't know about you, but the fact that he went to all that trouble to arrive at the blood moon ball just to make sure that you were alright says otherwise. Plus something lets me know that there was probably a lot more than concern rushing through his emotions..." He said as he stroked his luscious beard, a beard worthy of endless glory.

Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow "What's that suppose to mean..?" She asked him slowly, wondering suddenly if he knew more than he let on.

"That's for you to find out for yourself.. Now leave me alone, I'm trying to get some beauty rest here!" Glossaryck exclaimed before he shut the book quickly, cutting her off mid sentence.

Star collapsed on her bed and looked up at her ceiling, mildly annoyed at Glossaryck. "Thanks for nothing..." she mumbled to herself.

And that's when she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

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