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Star reached for her wand before approaching the door. For all she knew, it could be Ludo or worse- it could be Tom. She slowly reached for the doorknob, turning it slowly to reveal......

"Marco? What are you doing up this late?" She asked, her eyes widened at the sight of her best friend drooped against the doorway with an exhausted expression on his face.

"Star... I-" he is interrupted briefly by a soft yawn before he continued to speak. "I really need to talk to you about something.. Something important." He managed to say before he stumbled into her room.

Star raised an eyebrow "I think you might want to sleep first, ya seem pretty tired..." she said. His messy brown hair was sprawled in every other direction, his eyes could barely stay open. To say he looked pretty tired was quite the understatement of the evening.

He frowned and looked down at the ground "I have to do this now while I'm confident or I'm never going to be able to do this..." he said softly as he clenched his fist to keep from shaking.

"Marco... What's going on?" Star began asking, a feeling of concern suddenly washed over her.

"Tonight made me realize something... something big." He started off slowly. "I wanted to believe at first that this is all in my head and that I wasn't really feeling this way but I can't do it anymore. Star, I... I think I have feelings for you. I've had these feelings for a while but the thought of you going off with Tom made me truly realize just how strong they truly are. I don't expect you to feel the same way but at the same time I can't keep lying to myself about how I truly feel about you. The way you looked under the light of the Blood Moon has been stuck in my head all night, how soft and pretty your lips looked and how I should've kissed you but I didn't..." Before he could continue, he suddenly fell forward and landed face first on the carpeted ground.

At that point, Star was stunned. Had her best friend really just confessed his love for her? Was he just saying that due to how tired he was? As all these questions filled her mind, light snoring began filling the once silent room.

She gently lifted the boy and laid him gently on her bed, wrapping him up in some warm covers before sitting at the edge of the bed. As she looked down at him, her head began filling with thoughts about how cute he looked when he was asleep. Suddenly she found herself pushing aside his soft tuffs of hair and kissing his forehead before she whispered gently into his ears. "And just for the record, I feel the same way you goofball."

A soft smile formed on his sleeping figure. Star smirked at this reaction "Are you seriously pretending to be asleep right now?" She asked as she began chuckling softly as his eyes opened, revealing a smug look on his face.

"Was it really that obvious?" He asked as a light tint of blush coated his face.

"It wouldn't have been if you hadn't of started smiling like that." She replied with that adorable smile forming on her face.

"What you just said... Do you really mean it Star?" He asked before looking down at the ground shyly.

"Why would I say something like that if I didn't mean it? Of course I like you, I thought it was obvious..." she mumbled before placing her hand over his.

He grasped her hand into his before saying "I guess we were always bound to be together..."

Bound (a SVTFOE fic)Where stories live. Discover now