Chapter 1

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"Hey! Hello? Are you ok?"Someone begins to shake you. 

You open your eyes slowly to see a girl above you.

 Her green eyes glistened and her dark brown hair shook."I'm Jordan." She says nervously. 

You tell her your name and she seems more friendly. 

"Well, why are you here?"Jordan asks.

 "To see you." You say and Jordan blushes.

 "I'm not THAT amazing." She says."Well, you live in a mystical wormhole that rarely appears, you NEVER age, and you tell an AMAZING story about everything." You say, smiling.

She smiles a little and asks "Would you like to hear the amazing story?".

 Of course!" You say with a smile. 

And so she begins.

"Well really, the beginning of space and time is a weird thing. People love to make guesses on how the world began. But they don't know the real story.

The universe began as an egg.

 The egg was made out of dust, and inside of it it held power.

 Enough power so, when it cracked, all that power, all that matter seeped out of it and created the universe.

When did it crack?

 It cracked when there was too much energy inside of the egg, too much matter and power, that the egg didn't crack, it EXPLODED.

All the energy, power, matter, and everything else inside burst out and at first, it wasn't very organized.

 After all, everything inside of that egg had just burst out and it would take time for the universe to organize itself.

The universe was VERY delicate at this time." Jordan said, looking a little bored.

 "Why do you look so bored?" You ask

. "Well, i've told this story so many times that now it's boring." She answered, fluttering her eyes and shaking her hair. 

"What's your greatest wish?" You ask.

 " To look, no, to go to earth." She answers, her face looking up and her eyes shining.

 You smile a little and say "If you tell me the whole story, i'll take you back to earth."

 She grins and starts to bounce around.


The Beginning of SPACE and TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now