Chapter 1

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N/A Guys I can't wait for this story!! I've read a lot of stories like this and I've been watching Dear Evan Hansen a lot, so this plot line has been stuck in my head for a long time!!! I'm excited to start on this story!! Can you guess who the guy up there is?? Yep, that is our own Aiden Weinfield!! I wanted someone who seemed innocent and adorable and this is what I found!!

Also, I have a lot on the end author's note, so I thought it would be nice to put this in here. I know what it is like to go through what people call "problems" or you get named for being a "freak". I have both Anxiety and OCD, so I want to let y'all know that if you feel like you don't have anyone to talk to you can
DM me and I would be happy to talk to you and help you through anything. You can also follow me on Instagram with the same username if that makes you feel more comfortable, on either if you need it I would be happy to give you my number, so it would feel more comforting, or just better for you in general. Now,......(drumroll please) on to chapter 1!!

Everything came crashing down for Aiden Weinfield on Friday, August 19, 2017. The started out completely normal. Well, as normal as you could get for Aiden. It's seems mean to say that Aiden wasn't normal, but it was true, even Aiden knew he wasn't normal.

Aiden has the burden of social anxiety on his life. Not only that, but he also has Thixophobia. It wasn't only the idea of being touched that scared Aiden, he freaked out and started having panic attacks when people touched him too.

He didn't have this problem for the first 10 years of his life, but for some reason when he was 11 it just happened. His parents were simply putting him to bed one night like any other night. They asked for a hug like usual, but Aiden wouldn't give them one. For some reason he was terrified to. Even after his parents begged him to he just... didn't. After his parents just thought he was being moody and left the room without any further say.

However, it happened again the next day. His parents weren't expecting it. Aiden never acted like that, and that wasn't even an exaggeration. His parents couldn't handle it. Well, his mom more then his dad. His dad never understood why they were still putting him to bed, he said Aiden was "too old" for it, but Aiden always insisted. Aiden will always remember the look on his mom's face that night. She was about to cry. His mom couldn't handle it, so she rushed and hugged Aiden. It was fine for a second, but Aiden started to scream and cry. His breath got heavier, and it wasn't long before his mom put him down and his parents realized he was having a panic attack. They quickly left the room say their goodnights and leaving Aiden alone which he was relieved about.

The next day his parents took him to a therapist and Ms. Amy (she insisted on him calling her that) quickly diagnosed him with Thixophobia.

Now the social anxiety? He always had that. Before he was just simply scared to talk to people at first, but then he would be the life of the party. However, his Thixophobia made it worse, a lot worse. It made it so bad that Aiden couldn't bring himself to meet new people. He was terrified. Not only that, but when he talked to people he could never look people in the eye. It didn't matter if he knew them already he couldn't look anyone in the eye. He knew how much his mom hated that. It happened the same day he was diagnosed and his mother went to his room and he could hear her cry.

Aiden would always remember that day. Not just because it was the day he got diagnosed with Thixophobia, but because that was the day his dad left.

During the therapist visit, Aiden could feel the tension with his dad in the room. His father basically ignored him all day. It wasn't until dinner when the drama happened. It was the first time he wouldn't look them in the eyes while talking. If Aiden had it his way he would have stayed in his room like he planned all day, but his parents forced him out. His dad didn't notice the eye contact the first couple times, but the ninth time it happened he snapped.

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