Chapter 2

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N/A here's chapter 2 and what I originally had for Chapter 1, but I'm glad how Chapter 1 actually turned out. On with the story!!

"Wait w-what?" Aiden said looking up at his mother. Well, not at his mother, but what Aiden specified it as. Looking to the right side of her head, enough room for his face to not be in front of hers, but in his line of vision he could see her face.

He thought he heard her wrong. She couldn't have said what he heard. "Aiden sweetie, I said that I signed you up to start high school on Monday."

Aiden did hear it right. He felt nauseous. High school? Him? No. That wasn't funny, and he would tell her that. "Mom that's not funny." he said, straight to the point like always. There was usually not any emotion behind his voice, when people(not a lot of people have) would hear it they would think he was rude. He wasn't it's just how he spoke.

"I'm not joking Aiden." his mom replied. That's when it all became real. He was going to high school. Actually going to high school.

It was only a matter of seconds before the panic attack started. Immediately after his mother's statement Aiden started breathing heavily and shacking, he closed his eyes. "Mommy, mommy." he murmured as a plea. It's what happened every single time. Thankfully, his mom was actually prepared for this one. Aiden noticed the headphones in front of his mom during dinner, but didn't think it was anything and disregarded it. Now he knew why.

His mom got her phone which was also on the table and quickly put the headphones in it and pushed a few buttons. She rushed over and put the headphones into his ears. This was the one time that Aiden actually allowed her to be this close to him.

He slowly calmed down and bobbed his head at the voice of Taylor Swift playing. Aiden always calmed down with her songs. He loved her, the old her at least. Her mostly slow or medium speed songs could always calm him down during panic attacks. Aiden slowly opened his eyes still bobbing his head and was met with his mother's reassuring smile. He stopped moving his head and slowly took off his headphones while blushing "Sorry." he whispered. Aiden didn't like getting the attacks actually he hated them, but his mom was always there.

"Honey, what have I told you about saying sorry for your attacks?" she asked

"Sorry." he said that was another effect with his social anxiety he happened to say 'sorry' a lot. Even if something wasn't his fault, or he did something but there was no reason for him to say it he just...would.

"You don't need to say 'sorry' for something that you can't control." his mom said walking back to her chair. It was on the other side of the table, but the table was small. She could lean across and touch him, but of course she wouldn't.

Aiden completely forgot why he had the attack (another side effect), but it quickly resurfaced in his brain. "So, you're s-serious about me g-going to s-school?" Aiden said then slowly in his mind slapped himself for stuttering. It happened when he met new people. He hadn't done it with his mom in a while, but he was scared so it happened anyway.

"Yes. Aiden don't think I'm trying to get rid of you because I wouldn't do that. I love you. It's just your 17 and you've never been outside." he was about to object but his mother continued "Being out in the backyard doesn't count." at that he slumped back into his chair. "I know it's hard for you, but I want you to try. You can't stay in the house forever honey." she finished.

He knew the logic behind his mother's statement. He's seventeen and never been outside, well not really. Aiden needed to get out and meet people, but he didn't want do, he really didn't want to. "Mom please I'll do anything I just-I can't." he said. He didn't know how to word it he just couldn't meet people he couldn't.

His mother sighed at that. She wanted him to get out, meet friends be a normal kid. Not that she didn't love him, but she wanted him to experience the great things in life, and if she had to force it she would. "Aiden there's no excuses. You're starting Monday. I got all of your supplies already. I met the teacher's and they seem really nice. I know you're scared baby, but it's gonna be okay." she said. He calmed at the pet name. His mom had to find some way to get to him without touch, and pet names helped the most.

"D-do they know? About my, problems." he said looking down shamefully.

"If by "problems" you mean your Thixophobia and social anxiety then yes. Aiden they're not problems. They are challenges and obstacles that you will eventually get through." she said in that encouraging tone that she saved for these scenarios. She hated that Aiden thought there was something wrong with him.

"What about my music? Did they-" he started. His anxiety was kicking in worrying about everything What do I wear? What if I get picked on? What if I don't make any friends? Thankfully, before it got any worse his mom cut in.

"Yes Aiden, they know that music helps you. The principle approved for you to have it. However, I don't want you to use it all the time, only when you need it." she said to which Aiden could only nod to. "You can do this Aiden. I believe in you. I'll clean the plates up and everything and you can go up to your room." she said standing up.

Aiden stood up rushing to his room. When he got there he got headphones and plugged them into his phone which was previously on his nightstand and listened to Taylor. He was going to make the most of the next two days before complete hell on Monday. 'You can do this Aiden'. he thought 'Who am I kidding? I'm gonna die.'

N/A Whew!! Chapter 2 complete. Well, there's not much to say. I have a quick question though. Do you like it in the third person or should I make it in first person? I never know which to do, but I wanted to see what y'all wanted. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! Till next time!!

P.S. I don't know exactly what my updating schedule will be for this book, but as soon as I do I'll let you know


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