Chapter 4:Just Great....

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been a week and i touched the wall that was between and i imagined him next to me...holding me close...i love him"Alicia...time for your check up"the nurse said and i looked at her and i slowly went with her"it's just a per-cation...we need to know if your healthy..."she said and i nodded my head...i have been feeling off lately"Damon was behind the curtain next to mine...and i looked at his curtain and the nurse tooked blood and took my blood sugar and told me to piss in a cup and i did and they made me wait..."Damon"i said"yeah Aly..."he said"are you alright?"i asked"i think"he said"yeah i think so..."i said and two nurses came to me"Aly your pregnant..."they said"i am?"i said"yes..."one said and i grabbed my hoodie's sleeve"tell us who's the father?"they said"so you can punish"i said"Sweetie we won't hurt him...we promise"they said and i looked down"i'm the father"Damon opened the curtain..."Damon no..."i said and they looked at him"how?we keep our eyes on everyone"they said"well you missed me and Aly because she's pregnant and you have the proof"Damon said"i want to keep can't stop us from having this baby"Damon said and held me close"'s your choice...we need to get you guys in a better place....having a baby here...will do nothing but stress the baby we have no choice to transfer you guys to a home...but with supervision..."they said"okay"i said and Damon smiled"until the 8th month we keep you...but just so you know...your getting out of be honest i don't understand why you guys are here conditions isn't that server"the nurse said and i smiled"thank you"i said"but no more sex while your here..."the other nurse said"okay..promise"i said and Damon hugged me"Damon...we recommend you change your need more nutrition...your lacking a lot and you really need it don't think being vegan at the moment is best..."one nurse said"has it really got that bad?"he said" we are gonna give you meat...i'm sorry"they said and i looked at him and he nodded his head"okay....anything to make me healthy again....not just for me but for our baby"Damon said and held my hand"okay...lets get you guys back in your rooms"the other nurse said and i nodded my head and i sat on my bed and Damon on the other side of the wall and i smiled"are you scared?"i said"yes..."he said and laughed a little"but i know in the right environment we can do this"he said"i'm scared too...i'm the one who has to give birth...and by how tight i am down there i know it's gonna really hurt pushing out a head and body out there"i said"eww what an image....but i believe in you...your strong"he said"i don't know for sure i can do it...i probably cry from the pain"i said and then i put my hand on the wall"i wish i can kiss you right now"he said"i know...but i think they are watching us close now..."i said"yeah but there's always game time...just the wait will suck"he said and i smiled"yeah"i said"at least we won't be here forever like we thought"he said and i smiled"and i get my wish...having a baby"i said"when we are out of here and our baby is like 3 or 2 i want to marry you....would you say yes if i asked"he said"of course...i'll love to spend my life forever with you"i said and he smiled"even with the freedom....once we are out of her you won't have second thoughts when a cuter guy walks by"Damon said"Your All I Need...Plus Your The Father Of My First Child...I'll always love you more"i said and i smiled"promise you'll be mine forever"he said"promise"i said and i had my hand on the wall and i knew his was on the wall too.......

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