Chapter 1

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*Hey Y'all! So this is a 5sos fanfic (duh) and  if you're reading this,  that means you like 5sos, which automatically makes you amazing in my book.  The first couple of chapters are kind of short, but they get longer as you go on I promise! I have big plans for this story, so if you're reading, I love you, and please keep on reading! I will be updating as much as I can. If you like this please vote and comment! Ok, I'm gonna let you get to the story now. I hope you like it :) * 


That is all I feel. It cloaks me, and consumes my very being. I can't see anything, just black. I feel a body next to me, my little brother, just as frightened as I am. I feel around, desperately seeking escape, however, I find none. Suddenly, I hear footsteps close to the doorway. I cup my hand over my brother's mouth, hoping that we could stay quiet enough, but my heavy breathing must have given us away. The door swings open, and light floods the room. I see the vague outline of a man, and I feel my pulse quickening. I gasp as I see the man with the knife hurdling towards us and I do the most instinctive thing that comes to mind.

I scream.

"Kaylee! Kay! Kaylee snap out of it!"

I gasp awake, my body shaking, and my heart racing. I blink, letting my surroundings come into focus. Everything is normal, it's just my room, boxes everywhere still yet to be unpacked, mint walls, and books in the corner. In front of my face I see my younger brother, Hunter, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asks cautiously.

"Wh- what happened?" I asked, my voice trembling. I reached up and touched my face and felt something wet. I realized I must have been crying.

"I heard you screaming from my room. Was it a dream about....??" He trails off, he hates talking about it just as much as I do.

I nod. I feel tears coming on, but I bite my lip to hold them back. I hate it when my brother sees me this way.

"Hey," he murmurs and wraps me into a warm embrace. "It's gonna be ok. It was just a dream."

I hold onto my little brother for a couple of minutes as he tries his best to comfort me. After an hour or so, sleep takes over and I let myself drift off.


I woke up to the sound of Hunter snoring on the ground next to my bed. What a dork. I'm in a daze for a moment, and I just sit there, wondering what the hell I was doing up.

Then I remembered.

I checked the clock and read: 7:45

"Shit! Hunter, wake up!" I gave him a light jab to his side and the snoring suddenly stopped.

"Oooww whaaat?" He said grudgingly.

"We have school today that's what! Now get you're shit together we're gonna be late!" I scrambled to put on my outfit for the day, skinny jeans and a shirt as per usual, and I took a look in the mirror. My green eyes were still bloodshot from my crying last night, and my normally full lips looked even puffier. My long brown hair was all over the place. Ugh, I looked borderline deranged! I tried desperately to fix my hair to look semi presentable, but after a few bitter attempts I said to myself "fuck it" and slapped a ponytail onto my head. I ran down the stairs and saw Hunter waiting for me by my car.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked him.

"Already at work. Are you sure we have to do this whole school thing? I'm much better off without it," he whined.

"Oh yeah sure, if you plan working at Mcdonalds for the rest of your life. Yes you have to go, it's the first day of our new school anyways." I said, trying to convince myself more than Hunter.

I tried to be a good role model for him, to put on a brave face after everything we went through last year. But clearly, he sometimes helps me more than I do him. He made a face, but hopped into the car without complaining. I didn't want to leave my old school, everything had been fine. But after that night, there was no way we could've stayed there. It was better this way, and Hunter and I both knew it.

After about ten minutes of driving, I was finally pulling up to my new school, my new life.

I kept driving and turned to face my brother for a second to give him a quick pep talk.

"Alright Hunter, this is a new opportunity for us, a clean slate. Now all I ask of you is one thing, and one thing only."

"And what would that be?"

" Don't. Fuck. This. Up."

He snickered. "I won't fu- KAYLEE LOOK OUT!"

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