Chapter 16

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"Hey Hunter," I called, peering over the textbook on my lap and looking over to Hunter who was sitting cross legged on a beanbag in the corner of the room with a laptop set on his lap.

"Yeah?" He answers, not even looking up from the computer screen. We did this quite often, whenever we were working on homework, he always ends up coming into my room and working in the corner while I sat on my bed. I didn't mind though, he stayed quiet and was decent company when he wasn't bombarding me with questions.

"Could you do me a favor?"

"No," he quickly replies, his expression unchanging as he continued typing on the keyboard.

"Please? I'm letting you sit here in my room," I counter, hoping that maybe that would convince him to get up for me.

"That's not a privilege it's a right," he smirks from behind the glow of his computer screen.


He sighs and shuts his laptop, setting it on the ground next to him. He crosses over the room and stands in front of where I'm sitting on the bed.

"How can I be of assistance to you today," he bows mockingly.

I let out a small laugh, "I don't need your sass Hunter."

"But you need my help," he gives me a wide grin, and I playfully punch him in the arm. I don't even know how I'm related to this kid.

"Could you grab my phone from downstairs? Pretty please?" I clasped my hands together and batted my lashes, jutting out my bottom lip for effect.

He groans, sighing dramatically, "Ugh, the things I do for you. You should be grateful you have such an amazing and handsome brother," He turns and trudges down the stairs, as if each step he took towards the phone became more painful the closer he got.

I shook my head at him as he walked out of the room and away from my view. I looked down at the textbook, skimming through the pages, despretately trying to study for the quiz I have the next day. Sometimes, I manage to study pretty well, but other times, like today, everything I read just passes over my head and I have no idea what I had just seen on the page.

After trying to read the same page over and over and not retaining any information, I got up and walked around the room. I have found that sometimes pacing around an area calms me down and helps me focus a little bit better. As I walk around the room, I notice a red sleeve poking out of the top of my closet. I instantly recognize it as the flannel Luke had let me borrow that he wanted returned. I walk over to the closet, yanking at the sleeve. As soon as I pulled at it, the closet swung open, and a ton of things that had been cluttered around the shirt came crashing down and onto my floor.

"Shit," I mumbled, crouching down to gather all of the fallen items into my hands. I rummage through the pile, attempting to fit all of the tshirts onto my arms, Once I do, I stand up, ready to stuff all of the clothes back in there, but then I notice something that had fallen over to the side, it seemed like a book of some sorts. I threw the clothes into the closet, quickly slamming the door and crouching down to grab the book.

I turned it over, and I gasp as I realize that it was an old family photo album. A feeling of nostalgia sinks in as I run my hands over the familiar rough leather binding of the album. Last time I had seen this album was when I lived in Dallas, I thought that it was gone for good, tossed into oblivion. On the front cover, there was a picture of Hunter and me a couple years ago. I wince at the short brown hair and straight across bangs, that was not a good look for me.

I know I have to keep studying for this quiz that I am going to inevitably fail, but the curiosity over this old album was too overbearing. I flipped through the pages, smiling to myself as warm memories of my childhood flood my mind.

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